Chapter XIV - Destiny

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<>------<>Destiny <>------<>

I left Arrow, Aeras and Midnight staring over the strawberry fields like the sight comforted them. I can’t say it didn’t calm me, but Camp Jupiter had been my home, not this twisted conjoined camp.

As I climbed the steep ramp of the WG, I ran everything through my mind, trying to sort it all out; Nero sick with this mysterious plague which was rapidly spreading from Olympus to camp, Midnight and Annabeth headed into the very depths of hell, an unknown evil villainess possibly older than Father, a crazy prophecy I was sure hadn’t yet come to pass, Aeras’ powers running haywire with his emotions.

I shook my head; too much to deal with.

The halls of the ship were quiet and deserted. I don’t know why it freaked me out, but the silence just reminded me that we were all falling apart. We had to find this cure, fast, before the plague spread beyond the borders of camp and into the mortal world. I had no idea if mortals would be effected, but I wasn’t eager to find out.

I froze at the door to the cabin, hearing hushed voices on the other side, words I couldn’t make out. I pushed open the door, but it creaked, alerting my presence.

‘-know if it’ll work,’ was the only thing I heard from Fabian before he stopped short.

I opened the door all the way, not even attempting to stay and listen. Nero glanced up at me fleetingly, but upon seeing who it was, he looked out the window, ignoring me completely. My heart jumped into my throat, preventing me from saying anything. Fabian sent me a sympathetic look.

‘Why are you even here?’ Nero muttered.

‘Because I care about you,’ I said softly. ‘We all do.’

‘If you cared about me, you’d let me help.’

I shook my head, ‘Letting you help would mean letting you die.’

‘Don’t you get it?’ he turned back to me, helplessness shining in the eyes that were once sea green, but were now discoloured and pale. ‘I have to help. I can’t stay here doing nothing. It’s not helping anyone.’

I felt a single drop slip down my cheek, and I pulled my hood back so he could see it.

‘We need you, Nero,’ I whispered. ‘Midnight will come back with the cure and you’ll be okay again. And then you can help.’

‘I need to help find the cure,’ Nero insisted. ‘Only I know where it is, I just need to remember-’

He faltered, not able to finish his sentence. He squinted, looking at me closer, and I realized that something must’ve shown in my face.

‘You know,’ he mumbled, closing his eyes and resting his head against the wall.

I bit my lip anxiously, a habit I’d had for thousands of years and could never seem to shake.

‘The sickness is spreading,’ I told him and Fabian. Both their eyes widened. ‘Some of the campers have got it. Annabeth was just here to tell us and she figured out who has the cure.’

‘Who?’ Nero pressed persistently.

‘Damasen,’ I said.

The name held no meaning nor any face to me, but a light sparked in Nero’s eyes, like a memory had resurfaced. His lips formed the name, but no sound came out. He collapsed against the bed in disbelief, a sad vibe filling the room.

Fabian frowned at his brother, ‘You know him.’

Nero nodded numbly, ‘He saved my life. Twice. I owe him everything. But, he’s probably gone now. He charged at Tartarus, I don’t know if he even survived.’

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