Chapter VIII - Destiny

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Despite Annabeth and Leo’s protests, we used our preferred method of travel.

Nero, Arrow and I soared high in the direction of Olympus, our wings throwing glimmering patterns to the countryside below as Annabeth and Leo’s yells sounded loud and clear.

‘We’re not going to drop you!’ Arrow shouted for what seemed the hundredth time.

‘That doesn’t make me any less scared,’ Leo cried earnestly from her arms where he clung tightly.

Annabeth nodded in agreement, her eyes shut tight as she gripped my wrists and turned my fingers white from lack of circulation. I caught Nero’s gaze on me and chuckled, as did he.

‘What?’ Annabeth yelped in fear. ‘What’s happened? Why are you laughing?’

Watching us and listening to the demigods, Arrow bean to chuckle too, only causing Annabeth’s questions to speed up and Leo to start wailing in fright.

‘We’re almost there,’ Nero said. ‘Olympus is just up ahead.’

Without opening her eyes, Annabeth squeaked, ‘okay!’

I sighed in exasperation as we neared the eternal city at the top of the still standing Empire State Building. America truly was strong as it had held the flame of the gods for thousands of years. It really was a unique place. Well, unique for earth.

We swept down and rested Annabeth and Leo’s feet on a stone path where they collapsed to their knees and groaned. Nero landed a few feet away and stared at the streets as Arrow and I helped the two demigods to their feet.

‘Are you okay?’ I asked gently as opposed to my sister who yanked Annabeth to her feet muttering, ‘That was nothing.’

‘Yeah,’ Annabeth shivered. ‘Never again; I thought that’s what we agreed?’

‘It’s not so bad the second time around,’ Arrow smirked.

‘Speak for yourself,’ Leo moaned, hugging his stomach.

I tried not to smile, but it was agonizingly hard. I covered a giggle up with a cough and bit my knuckles to keep from letting further sounds of amusement escape me.

Arrow didn’t even try.

‘Nero,’ she laughed. ‘Where are you? What are you-’

She stopped short as she caught sight of him staring silently at the beautiful streets of Olympus, adorned with medieval styled buildings and paved stone walkways. But the whole place was deserted; not a single person was in sight.

‘Where is everyone?’ I breathed.

Nero shook his head. Arrow, Annabeth, Leo and I moved to stand behind him. Olympus were quieter than it had any right to be. The wind whistled its eerie songs and enhanced the lonely feel of the desolate streets.

‘There’s no one here,’ Annabeth murmured.

‘No Styx, Sherlock,’ Arrow hissed under her breath, unheard by the ears of the demigods who had moved forward into the streets. Nero, Arrow and I followed.

The more we walked further through Olympus, the more the sick feeling inside me worsened, growing into a personal tsunami inside my stomach, convincing me that something was no right.

The first person we came across was sitting with his back to us on a park bench, his head bowed and his shoulders slumped.

‘The guy might know what’s going on,’ Leo shouted hopefully as we neared. ‘Hey, man. Listen, some weird stuffs going down and-Ah!’

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