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"Once upon a time we had it all (we had it all) (Mmm). Somewhere down the line we went and lost it (we went and lost it). One brick at a time we watched it fall (fall). I'm broken here tonight and darling no one else can fix me"


From: Tatiana
To: Quinn
Did I do something wrong?

I'm sorry for making you upset with me and your brother?

I'm sorry for bothering you so damn much


Tati cleans her apartment while listening to Selena on full blast. The song No Me Queda Más comes on and she starts getting in her feelings. She tries hard not to cry at the lyrics while mopping.

She thinks about Quinn and how much of a jerk he was hanging up on her and not bothering to Face Time her back.

She tried to text him apologizing for bothering him and prolly starting drama between hin and Jack but deleted the messages and never sent them.

Why bother putting effort into someone who's not putting the effort into you?

If he wants to be a jerk then he can keep doing it all he wants. She's not gonna let it phase her.

The song finishes and she wipes the tears from her eyes. Just as she finishes mopping, she hears her phone ringing with a Face Time request from Quinn. She answers it right away, sitting down on the couch and turning off the music from her speakers.

"I'm sorry for not calling you back earlier," he says, sitting down on his bed with his bags packed.

"It's fine. I'm sure you were busy, Mr. 7th overall draft pick," she replies, hoping her voice doesn't sound like she was recently crying.

"I meant it," he replies, biting his lip from the nerves.


"I meant every single word that came out of my mind last night," he replies, hoping his revelation won't bite him in the ass.

"I wish I would've known how you felt from the beginning," she sighs.

"I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid you didn't love me anymore and you moved on because of everything. I fucked up so bad and if I can go back, I would make sure I would've spent more time showing you how much I love you. I can't live without you, Tatiana Alexieff. But I understand if you don't feel the same way. You have every right to unleash the crazy Dominican in you and let me have it. I deserve it. I wasn't the best boyfriend to you and you deserved much better. You still deserve so much better," he explains, pouring his entire heart out.

"Oh Quinn baby, you weren't the only one who fucked up. I fucked up too. I was so selfish and I didn't realize it until afterwards. I wanted to br the center of your attention all the time. I didn't like how much time hockey took away from us being together and instead of learning to accept it, I used it as an excuse to be bitter and picked petty fights with you over it. I'm sorry for making you think I didn't care about you or didn't love you anymore. I'm sorry for ending it the way I did and leaving you without giving you a chance to explain things and to make things right. It was a bitch move and I did it because I wanted to protect myself from being hurt. I thought breaking up with you would be the best for the both of us. But I realized that I was only thinking about my feelings and not yours. Clearly, what I did hurt you and I understand if you never forgive me for it," she explains, as tears roll down her cheek.

The hotel room phone starts ringing and he goes to answer it. He talks for a minute before hanging it up and walking back over to the bed and lifting his cellphone back up.

"I would love to keep talking to you but my parents just called telling me that we're leaving for the airport now. I'll talk to you when I get back home," he explains, feeling bad about having to leave the conversation unfinished.

"I totally understand. Have a safe flight and tell your brothers and your parents I said hi. I miss them," she replies.

"Alright, bye Tatiana," he smiles weakly.

"Bye Quintin," she waves, before ending the call.

I can't believe I was wrong the entire time! Quintin Hughes still loves me and I still love him. The problem is will I ever be able to forgive him and myself enough to get back together with him?

Only You 》Quinn Hughes [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang