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"And I'll follow right by the river. Where the ocean meets the sky. To you, to you"


From: Quinn
To: Tatiana
I'm sorry for not always being there for you

I'm sorry I always put hockey before you

I'm not the same guy I was a month ago

I love you, I miss you, and I need you. I can't live without you babe


Quinn lays down at his hotel room in Dallas cradling the bottle of Hennessey Brady Tkachuk managed to sneak for him from his parents.

Tomorrow is the the 1st day of the NHL draft. A day he has been waiting for practically his entire life. But instead of being out with his friends and family, he's couped up in his hotel room, ready to drink and reminisce over his ex.

From: Brady

You shouldn't be getting fucked up bro

To: Brady

I'll be fine, Brady! You know I need it to help cope with the pain

It's true. Ever since Tatiana broke up with him a month prior, he has been drinking away his problems a lot more. Sometimes he'll drink himself until he becomes sick. He pass out sometimes by the toilet bowl.

All his friends and even his brothers keep telling him that he needs to get over her.

But how can he get over the only woman he has ever loved?

He goes on his phone and scrolls through old pictures and videos of him and Tati, remembering so many great memories.

He remembers how she went with him to Europe for Worlds and how they spent the time happy and in love.

He remembers the night they made love under the stars on a rooftop in Paris.


"The stars are so beautiful in Europe, I swear," she sighed, taking a sip of the wine.

He looked down at her and notice her shiver.

"You cold babe?" he asked her.

"Yeah it's like 50 degrees right now," she replied, wrapping the blanket around her arms.

"Don't worry, babe. I got the perfect way of warming you up," he teased, leaving an open-mouthed kiss on her neck.

"Oh really? And what is that?" she giggled, knowing damn well what he meant.

"It involves you, me, and no clothes," he replied, pushing her down onto her back on the large picnic blanket.

"Mmm, sounds perfect," she smiled, melting into his touch.

The two quickly became a mess of tangled limbs and their bodies grew hot with each other's touches. The two fell asleep in each other's arms underneath the stars, drunk on young love.

If only he knew that a week later, everything would fall apart.


The memory ends and he wonders if she ever reminisces over their relationship

Shut up, Quinn! She doesn't even love you anymore! She's prolly moved on to a football player or something! No way a woman as perfect and gorgeous as Tatiana Alexieff could stay single for long.

If only he knew how dead wrong he was.

From: Jack

Bro, you need to stop doing this

Quinn leaves him on read and takes another swig of Henny, the bitter liquid lighting his throat on fire.

From: Jack

I'm serious bro! I know Brady brought you a bottle of Henny

Again Quinn ignores the message.

From: Jack

You need to man up and talk to her, bro. Drinking your life away isn't gonna make things better

To: Jack

I have every right to punish myself for all the mistakes I made! I let her walk away and now she's gone! I'll never get her back!

If only he knew that punishing himself for his mistakes wasn't gonna make all the hurt go away. If anything, it only made it worse

From: Jack

Whatever bro. Just don't let Mom and Dad see you hungover tomorrow

Quinn drinks about a quarter of the bottle of Henny before passing out. The Henny hit him a lot harder and faster than he thought.

If only he knew that all he had to do was take his brother's advice, and talk to her

Only You 》Quinn Hughes [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя