Grey along with a Labrador and two Shih Tzu was playing with a ball. I smile at the funny sight. Two big dogs against two tiny ones, it was just too cute.

   "You've woken up." A disembodied voice said. I look to the right, the direction of the voice to see Mr. Carter with a ball in his hands. It seemed as if he was playing with the dogs as well.

  "Henrique was crying so I had to get up."

   "Ah! I see." I looked at the baby in my arms. "Have you walked around the house as yet?"

   "Not really, It's a really big house. I heard the barking, so I followed the noise to here." I look back at the playing dogs. Grey had still not acknowledged my presence. "Your dogs are beautiful, what are their names?"

  He looked over at the dogs, "The Labrador is Cloudy." He points at the male Shih Tzu, "That's Bell and the female is Perry."

"Cute names. Are they friendly?"


  I smile. I was happy that Grey finally had friends that were of his species to play with.

  "I see you're getting along well with Henrique." He looks at the baby in my arms. All Henrique attention was on the playing dogs on the yarn.

  "Yes, he's a sweet boy. I didn't know he was this big though. How long have you had him for?"

  "A little over two weeks." That meant that he was with his mother before. He knew who is mother was. Maybe that was the reason he calmed down so quick when I lifted him up. He thought I was his mommy.

  "Can you tell me exactly what happen two weeks ago?"

  He started walking towards gazebo and gesture me to follow him. When I was inside the gazebo I took a seat.

  "My secretary said she wanted to use the bathroom and she said she'd come back and she never did. I got it all on camera. She didn't go in the bathroom, she left the building."

  "Why didn't see leave it at your dad's office and not yours?" I needed to question him because he could be lying. Henrique could be his child.

"I don't know."

  "Are you sure, this isn't your child? He looks like you. Are you lying to me?"

   "No, I'm not. Henrique is not my child. I can show you the letter your sister left along with all the documents for Henrique." As I looked in his eyes, I wanted to believe him.

  "Okay, I want to see them."

  "Alight. I have no reason to be lying to you. Henrique is not my child. If he was, I wouldn't have spent any time looking for your sister. I would have kept him all to myself."

  "But he's your bother, what difference does it make?"

He shakes his head, "A lot."


    When I returned to my room, my things were there at the foot of my bed. Since I needed to pack out the things I went into Henrique room and got a few of his toys and stuff animals from his playpen. I place him to sit on the ground while I arrange my things.

  As I place my things in the closet I listen to him giggling. I smile. He must have been really lonely before I came, I didn't have anyone to play with him.

  At first, I thought I wouldn't like the baby that was born from my evil sister but not I was completely in love with him. I wanted to cry when I think of what she did to him. He didn't deserve that, no does.

   My sister was like poison, she destroyed everything she came in contact with.

Even her own blood.


  When it was time for dinner, I place Henrique on my side and walked in the direction of the kitchen, the dining room couldn't be far from it.

  After looking around a for a minute I found the dining room. Mr. Carter was already there at the end of the table. The table was long enough for about sixteen persons. The table was made for a big family.

  Did Mr. Carter have a big family?

   I push the thought out of my head. Whether or not her did, it wasn't my concern. I was here so one reason only, to take care of my sister's baby.

  Spotting a high-raising baby seat beside my Carter, I made my way down there.


   I didn't get a response, so I place the baby in the seat and strap him down. I took a seat next to Henrique.

  Ms. Wilson came in the room at exactly seven, based on the clock that was hanging over Mr. Carter's head.

   She placed the covered food on the table then went back in the kitchen. Coming out again, this time with two trays. She placed the covered food on then place a small plate in front of Henrique.

   "Enjoy your meals." She turned and exit the room.

   Not knowing what to do, I looked over to Mr. Carter who was looking at his phone.

   I sigh and turn to the baby. At least he got food made specially for him, he could eat any time.

   "You don't have to wait on me, you know. Go ahead and eat whatever you want." I looked over to Mr. Carter whose eyes was still on his phone. Deciding to listen to him, I lift the cover of the dish. The smell of the Curry Chicken hit my nose and then my eyes. It looked delicious. I place the cover on the table and took up the ladle. I took up a scoop of the Curry Chicken and placed it on my plate. I closed back the dish and moved to the other closed dished. I opened it to see White rice. I place some for the rice on my plate then added some of the vegetables from the vegetable dish.

   As I started to eat I heard a loud growl. I look down at my feet, Grey and standing beside Cloudy. She was chocolate brown with light brown eyes similar to her owner. She was beautiful.

"I see you got yourself a nice girl friend." I smile as I looked between the two dogs.

   Grey bend his head and start licking my toes that was pocking out of my flip-flops. I laughed out because it was ticklish. "Stop it, Grey." Being the obedient dog, he is, he stops. The female dog growls beside him so turned to leave with her.

    "Use Protection," I blurt out before I could stop myself. I heard someone coughing. I looked up to see a set of light brown eyes staring me. I bent my head and look at the food in front of me. I could let him see the blush that was coming on.

    That was my favorite line to tell my sister when she went on dates. How step-father Henrique had given us 'the talk' at each fifteen and believe me, it stock with me.

   I guess, Alliyah forgot it because if she had remembered to use protection, I wouldn't be here right now.

  I looked over at Henrique, his table and chair, a complete mess. His face was full of food, it looked as if his face was the one doing the eating and not him.

   Laughing at how cute he looked with mashed potatoes all over him, I picked up a napkin and wiped his face.

"Dear, dear, all clean."

  I involuntarily looked over at Mr. Carter who had began to eat his meal.

   I shake my head. Even when the man was stuffing his face, he looked good.

   I turned back to my food, quickly eating it before it became cold.

   When I was finished eating I looked over at Mr. Carter to see if he was done but as usual his head was in his phone.

   Deciding not to bother him, I stood up from my chair. I removed Henrique from his messy seat. He going to need a shower as soon as possible. He was sticky all over, which made me sticky as well.

We both needed a shower.

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