An Exhilarating Day...

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"Hey Lance. What are you doing here? Taking your boyfriend on a date?" Miguel teased playfully. Miguel was Lance's cousin. He looked similarly to Lance with some differences, Miguel has very tan skin, brown eyes, and a head full of black hair, but Miguel still had the signature McClain smirk. "W-what?! No! I'm just showing around our new colleague. Is there anything wrong with that? Besides, you know I get off my shift at the same time every day." Lance told Miguel. Miguel smiled and laughed. "Of course not, there's nothing wrong with that, you know I'm playing. So who is this mystery person, and I hope he'll be joining me." Miguel said, ending the sentence with a wink and a smirk, shooting Keith his finger guns. "Miguel." Lance said sternly. Miguel looked over at Lance and saw that stare that made everyone cautious of Lance at times. "What? Being honest." Miguel told Lance smirking widely.

Lance didn't change his stance at all, he just stood there. "If being honest means scaring away new colleagues, then please keep it to yourself." Lance said smirking. Keith chuckled. Miguel stood there wide eyed, than laughing. "Fair enough dude. Ok, go on in." Miguel snickered. Lance smiled. "Thanks, hombre." Lance smiled. Miguel smiled back. " No problem." Miguel responded. "Oh yeah, Keith. If you get to scared, you can hold my hand if you want?" Lance joked. "What?! No way! I have watched so many scary movies, I bet this can't even compare." Keith yelled at Lance. Lance chuckled. "Ok, sure, try telling me that when your hiding behind me." Lance snickered. "Oh shut it, It's probably going to be the other way around." Keith barked out. "Keith, I know everything that will happen in here, like for example... KEITH LOOK OUT!" Lance screamed, just able to hold in his fit of giggles. "AAHHHHH!" Keith screamed in panic, clinging to Lance in fear. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh. My. God! Ha ha ha ha ha" Lance breathed out in between his fit of giggles. Everyone who was in there (Besides the employees who work there) looked at the two boys. "LANCE! Agh! I'm gonna kill you!" Keith yelled at Lance, removing himself from Lance.

Lance started chuckling and trying to run from Keith, as Keith chased Lance around the room. Most of the girls in the room awed at the two. "What are you awing at?" Keith asked hurtfully. Some of the girls looked terrified of Keith. "Sorry ladies, my buddy here is... Passive aggressive." Lance lied. Some of the girls swooned at Lance as he winked at them. "C'mon Keith, we haven't even got to the best part." Lance said excitedly to Keith as he grabbed Keith's arm. "But, Lance, don't you want to stay with the girls?" Keith asked in a mocky tone. Lance looked behind him to stare at Keith. "Oh please, I've been with to many girls today, I need some bro time!" Lance smiled. Keith cringed at the word bro but continued on anyways. Animatronics were jumping out left and right and by the time Keith and Lance came out, just as Lance had said, Keith was hiding behind Lance. "What's wrong Mullet? Scared? You know what, I should call you kitten now! Because you are a scaredy cat!" Lance laughed.

Keith pouted, he didn't bother saying anything since he knew it was useless. "Huh?" Lance asked again for a response. Keith grumbled. "What, I didn't hear you." Lance teased again. "Yes, I was scared alright." Keith mumbled loud enough for Lance to hear. Lance laughed at his victory. "Are we going to my rides now or are you just going to laugh at me?" Keith asked whilst pouting. "Yep, we're going, which one first?" Lance asked. "Splash Mountain!"Keith yelled in excitement. Lance smiled, taking Keith's hand and running to the next ride. Running from ride to ride to finally get to Splash Mountain. "Keith, I'm sorry to disappoint, but this is going to have to be our last ride for the night, it's already 7:58. The rides close at 8:00." Lance admitted to Keith. Keith's smile turned to a frown. "Ok, that's fine. I'll have to go again some time, and make it earlier." Keith snickered at the end. Lance smiled at his comment. "Yeah, it was my mistake to take you later." Lance replied. "It's fine. You didn't know, it's not your fault." Keith assured Lance.

"How about this, once we get off the ride, I'll buy you something from the gift shop. To make up for the mistake as well as my teasing." Lance suggested. Keith smiled. "Sure, but if only I can buy something for you." Keith agreed. "Why?" Lance asked. Keith walked a little closer. "Because, you gave a great time to remember and plus I feel bad if you buy something for me and I don't do anything. So, whether you like it or not, I'm buying you something." Keith told Lance. "Ok." Lance agreed. Then after a little bit of talking, they were finally let on the ride. "It's about friggin time!" Keith voiced happily. They rode around in the boat and had gone through two drops and was now on their last one. "Keith, quick, they take a picture here!" Lance yelled for Keith. Keith and Lance pulled their poses then enjoying the third and final drop. 

The ride was now coming to a close as an employee exited the remaining tourists. "Oh my god! I forgot, they are holding a special parade tonight with extra the fireworks and such, sorry for keeping you so long but we need to go, these only happen every 10 years! (I know these don't happen nor will it ever happen, but I can make whatever I want in this story. SUE ME!)" Lance mused. Keith smiled and agreed. They watched as the night sky was painted with blue's, red's, purple's and so much more. After an hour of parade fun, they finally went to the gift shop. "hey Lance? What's your favorite character?" Keith asked. Lance paused for a minute and thought. "Stitch. Stitch is my absolute favorite character. He's soooooo cute!" Lance emphasized his so. "Ok. My favorite is-" Keith was about to admit as Lance interrupted him. "Let me guess, um, Cheshire cat?" Lance asked. "Well, It is one of my favorites but my favorite is Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh." Keith admitted. "Ooh! That's a good one. I'mma get you something now, It'll be a surprise! Oh yeah, Surprise me." Lance yelled from the other half of the store. Keith smiled and began his search for a plush. 

Lost Dreams. (Klance) (Disneyland AU)Where stories live. Discover now