Hoseok was sorta jealous he wasn't able to live through this, he was always homeschooled and it didn't even last that long either as his parents gave up on his education after putting more focus on his dancing. It's not like Hoseok particularly liked learning though, he just wished he was able to live like a normal kid and actually make some real friends so he wouldn't have to grow up lonely as he is now.

The two males had entered the large science building after a few minutes of strolling through the large campus, and luckily Namjoons chemistry classroom was on the bottom floor. They reached it quite easily, however, the tough part was actually entering. Namjoon stood in front of the wooden door with his sweaty hands tightly gripping the straps of his backpack, his face scrunched and obviously anxious.

"what are you waiting for shithead, get inside or you'll be even more late."

Namjoon was still frozen on the spot, but he was able to turn his head a bit to look over at Hoseok with a pleading expression, "hobi, if you mess this up, im seriously never forgiving you. if im kicked out of this class, my hard earned scholarship will go down the drain and so will my future career. please don't ruin this."

Hoseok's eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses, making Namjoon unable to truthfully tell if he listened to his plea or simply rolled his eyes. However, the male didn't disagree either so that's enough of a sign for him. "have more confidence in me loser. now move over so i can work my jung magic."

Hoseok forcefully elbowed Namjoon out of way, causing the young male to stumble back and grab onto his left peck in sudden disbelief, "you elbowed my boobie."

"shut up woman."

Without hesitation, Hoseok pushed open the creaky door and strutted inside, his presence presently causing silence within the room as students stared in disbelief. The professor was midway in explaining the lab but suddenly halting upon noticing the uninvited guest.

Namjoon somehow convinced himself to walk inside, and he sorta regretted it by the numerous judgmental stares of his upper classmates kept on him as he dragged his feet into the room. He kept his head down and his hands tightly gripping his backpack straps as he went over to stand next to Hoseok in embarrassment.

"excuse me but who are you?" the professor asked rudely, clearing annoyed by the sudden intrusion. His balding head and santa beard gave off the effect of a kind man, but his furrowed eyebrows and hooded eyes made him look more like an angry elderly man. Namjoon would definitely not buy his chicken breast.

Hoseok removed his sunglasses upon hearing the question, and the gasps that filled the room only added to the arrogant smirk on his lips. "i'm pretty sure you know who i am sir, so why not skip the introduction and get straight to business."

"of course mr. jung, what can i help you with." The tone of the professor changed faster than when Yoongi was told Taehyung would be at a pool in a speedo, clearly because he knew the importance of Hoseok. Namjoon was confused why everyone knew him, all he was was a dance prodigy with rich parents?

"my acquaintance kim namjoon here," Hoseok reached over to wrap his arm over Namjoons shoulders and pull him closer, "is unfortunately late due to his stupidness. you see, namjoon had broken into my house this morning because he was so infatuated with my attractive body and all, he wanted to see me in person. however, security came to kick him out, but i felt bad as he was only a fan. so i, being the kind idol i am, decided to forgive him and even offered to take him here. so thats why hes late."

Namjoon couldn't believe what he was hearing. He doubts the professor does too.

"i believe you mr. jung, thank you for informing me of the situation."

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