Chapter 1- Arrival In Winterfell

Start from the beginning

"Have a good nap sister?" Joff said cockily, poison in his words. I think everything he says came out in an angered hiss. He trotted up closer to me. I had drifted almost to the front where my father rode but still stayed behind and beside him naturally. Joffrey eyed me up and down. I scowled at him. I was wearing a thin riding dress and the cold northern air had already started getting to me. At his look I tightened the fluffy cloak that my father had given to me. My mother had begged for me to stay in the carriage with her and my younger siblings, but father refused. He wanted his first born's to arrive to Winterfell with him.

It was a tiring journey. father wanted to arrive as soon as possible so he barely let us rest all month. I was ready to get there and curl up in a soft bed. But I doubted my father would allow any rest. As soon as I got there I had to start preparing for the feast held in our honor. Where my father could drink his day away and whore his night. I would get to meet the Stark's. I was quite excited. From what I had seen I quite enjoyed the north.

"I see the castle!" I announce with excitement. It's a homely looking place. Soft stone walls surrounding its interior.

"Looks like a shit hole." Joff snaps.

"It looks homely." I snap back, glaring at him.

"Easy Aella. We just got here. I don't want to have to hear your complaining the whole trip."

"Right back at you." He reaches for me and I swerve easily. He wobbles, almost falling off his horse.


"Quit it you two!" The king rumbles, not looking back at us. He stares up at the place. Memories obviously flooding back to him. I back away slightly so that farther and Joffrey come out in front, leading the pack. We enter the walls and Joff seems even more disgusted. I smile brightly. Everyone runs around to prepare and I watch them all curiously. Everything is so much darker and cooler than the south that has bright irritating colors to the eyes.

We arrive to a group of crowded people all in rows. I take in all of the people. I can tell immediately who lord stark is. A tall built man with dark hair standing next to who I assume is Catelyn who held bright red hair. Which seemed prominent in the children standing in line. I noticed a tall man with tight defined features and a head of dark auburn hair in messy curls. Standing behind him a man with longer black curls stood out in the crowd. His grey stormy eyes bored into me. I felt a blush creepy across my face and I looked away. I swung off my horse and a guard grabbed the reigns. I stood a way away from Joff, following his line of sight to a tall girl with red hair like her mothers. She smiled at him shyly. I scowled once again at my brother's flirtatious smile.

Everyone knelt as my father approached them. "Your Grace." Eddard Stark said, looking down at his boots. The king motioned for everyone to stand. They stood in an uncomfortable silence. Obviously not used to a king's presence. I knew they had nothing to fear from my father.

"You've gotten fat," He groans at the thinner man. Lord Stark looks him up and down in a, are you sure about that, look. I stifle a giggle. He burst out into a hearty laugh and pulls Ned into a tight hug. Everyone visibly relaxes. "Cat!" He exclaims and hugs her as well. "Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?" I can't hear their responses because they make their voices small compared to my father's loud tone. He pats the little boy on the head and continues along the line of Stark's. My mother leaves the carriage and looks at me. I give her a small smile as she walks slowly towards them. The king approaches the tall man with auburn hair. "Who have we here? You must be Robb." He shakes his hand and gives him a smile. Robb's eyes search around the entered group and his blue orbs meet mine. He unconsciously lets his eyes wander. My brother sees this and takes a step closer to me, twisting his gloved hand around my wrist. I ignore the rest of what my father says and follows my mother at her nod. I stay a little away from her but approach the family.

"My Queen." Ned says and kisses her hand. She gives a fruitless smile and looks to Catelyn. She bows deeply and repeats her husband's words.

"Take me to your crypt," Father commands loudly. "I want to pay my respects."

"We have been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." He brushes off her comment and commands Ned to follow. They leave as quickly as we came.

My mother stalks back to the carriage, angry and embarrassed. But I stay behind to give my own introductions. "Thank you for lending us your home. We all are very tired from our journey. Please excuse us." I say and smile. Cat bows deeply again and looks up at me, waiting for my approval. "Please don't. I am in your home." I bend my head to her and she smiles sweetly. I go along the line to her son. He is a year or two older than I. I put my hand out and he put it to his soft lips. I shiver slightly from the touch. "You two look like princesses yourselves." I say to the two girls. The older one blushes and bows softly. The younger of the two rolls her eyes and I laugh a little, patting her shoulder. I ruffle the last boy's hair and let my eyes meet those gray ones behind the oldest boy. He smiles a bit at me and I turn away form them. They slowly begin to depart for the king is gone and they no longer need to impress.

"What are you doing?" Joff hisses and grabs my upper arm as I come back to my horse. "You're acting like the queen. You aren't." I pull my arm away and he becomes unbalanced almost falling to the ground. A clumsy fool he is. If the wind picked up he would have his face in th he mud. I swiftly pull myself back on my horse without the help I usually need from my short height. I look down at him and smirk.

"At least I am good at acting to be something I am not." I pull away and trot towards the stables. I take a breath and pull into one of the stalls. What will Joff do now. He was angry before and now I am afraid he will take it out of me some sick way. I shiver in disgust.

"You need help?" Jon Snow approaches.

"No, I'm fine." I say and swing off the horse, my foot gets caught in the stirrup and I regret my words quickly as I fall towards the muddy ground. Strong arms catch me and set me down outside the stall swiftly. My face turns hot and I feel like the coat around my arms had became a thousand pounds. "Thank you." I stutter, refusing to look at the Bastard boy. He chuckled softy.

"Don't worry about it princess. Common mistake. I didn't want you to get a face full of mud but I am almost positive I was the one who distracted you. It is my fault. Please forgive me."

"No, I overestimated my abilities. I truly appreciate it." I look up at him and smile. He smiles back and walks closer to exit the stall. He closes the door and looks up at the mare.

"Beautiful horse."

"Thank you."

"Would you like help to your room? I didn't know if you knew where you are staying." I know exactly where I am staying. I was briefed on the whole layout of Winterfell and where I needed to go if I was lost. My mother wanted me to be safe and know where I am.

"Yes. That would be very helpful."

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