Should Have Been Me

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*Kian's POV*

I run over to Nessa who hasn't moved and is tensed up and crying, her eyes are still closed. "Nessa...." I say starting to cry. She opens her eyes and bursts out crying and hugs me hard. She pulls away and grabs my phone. "What are you doing?" I ask her confused. "Calling 911." She says and we call 911 and the police get here in minutes.

*Roni's POV*

The police came and brought Marcus and Ethan in for interrogation. I tell Kian and Nessa that I'm going to the hospital with Aaron while Kian and Nessa explain what had happened to the police.

I take Aaron's hand in mine and it reminds me of the time we were in the car on the way back from the grocery store and he had punched Ethan in the face. He's done that twice now, I'm proud of him. I start to cry thinking of all the memories we had together, I just want him to be okay. I look at his shoulder and see the pool of blood on his shirt and the dark hole that seemed to go on forever. "Veronica, we are at the hospital, we're gonna need you to wait in the waiting room until the doctor can tell you can see him." The lady in the ambulance tells me as a the nurses carry Aaron out on a stretcher into the ER. I walk into the waiting room and call Nessa and sit down.
On phone:
Nessa: Hey
Roni: Hi, I'm in the waiting room by myself right now, when do you think you'll be done with the police. I just don't think I can be alone right now.
Nessa: We're on our way now

What felt like hours after the phone call they arrived. I bear hugged Nessa for two minutes not letting go, I stopped hugging her when I noticed a doctor had come out. "Veronica Merrell?" He says looking into the crowd of people in the waiting room. "Right here!" I say running up to him. "Well, I'm not sure how to tell you this, but Aaron is in a coma. He suffered from large amount of blood loss, we are not sure how long he'll be in the coma, we think about three months maybe. If he is in a coma more than 5 months, we'll have to pull the plug due to his conditions." The doctor kept talking but it was a blur, everything went cold, I became dizzy, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I fell over and luckily Kian caught me. I sat on a chair while Kian and Nessa talked to the doctor about anyway we can help him wake up earlier.

*Nessa's POV*

"Talk to him, about times you shared together, good things, memories, tell him about his friends back home, he can hear you in a coma, don't make him feel alone. It can make all the difference really." The doctor said remorsefully. "Thank you," I say and sit next to Roni, she lays her head on my shoulder crying and I cry too. "The doctor said, that we should talk to him about memories we had with him and talk about all of our friends and his family." I say and she nods. "When can I see him?" Roni asks. "They said soon, he's just getting out of surgery now." I reply and she nods again. She wipes her tears with her red sweatshirt that's to big for her, oh, it's Aaron's red sweatshirt. Roni stands up and walks over to the lady at the front desk. I go with her to make sure she doesn't have a fit. "Can you tell me what room Aaron Burriss is in please?" she asks kindly. "Oh I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't let you in that room yet," the woman replies and I regret her words for her. "I don't think you understand. I need to be in that room. Now." Roni says with her hands in fists on the desk glaring at the woman. "It's my job to have yo-" "I don't care what your job is, I need to know what room Aaron Burriss is in." Roni says. The looks scared and starts to type on her computer quickly. "Room 186, down that hallway than take a right." She says. "Thank you." Roni says and walks down the hallway, I grab Kian and follow Roni. We open the door and see Aaron in a coma hooked up to monitors and an IV. Roni rushes over to the chair next to the bed and grabs his hand.

*Roni's POV*

I ran over to him, sat down, and held his hand. His hand was cold. Dead cold. "It should have been me," I whisper to myself.

Soooo..... what do you think of this chapter? Let me know. It's not exactly happy, but that depends on your view of things I guess.

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