Rule #4

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*Roni's POV*

I wake up in a small room and my vision is blurry. I see Nessa in a chair tied up across from me, I'm not tied up. I stand and look around this dark room, it's just me, Nessa, two chairs, and a mirror with a sign on it. We can see you and hear you, but you can't see us. Listen to our directions and things won't be as bad. My mind starts to think and wonder how I got here, then it hits me.


"I'm gonna head to the ladies room," I said to Aaron, Kian, and Nessa while we were out to dinner. "Oh that reminds me I have to go too!" Nessa says and we head to the bathroom.

We were about to head back to the table when I hear Nessa scream. Nessa had been grabbed by Marcus, he hit her over the head and I backed out of the bathroom to go get help when I felt an arm grab me and a cloth go over my face blocking my scream, "shhh" I heard in my ear as everything went black.

Present day

"Marcus," I whisper to myself. I look around the room frantically. "Roni...." I hear Nessa say and I whip around running to her and hug her trying to get the rope off her. It was glued, duct taped, tied, frozen, you name it, there was no way for me to get it off of her. "Nessa listen to me carefully, I think Marcus and Ethan kidnapped us and this is the sign on the mirror," I say holding the sign in front of her. "Shit...." she says with tears rushing down her face. "Alright soundcheck 1, 2, 1, Sally sells seashells by the seashore," I hear over a speaker. "Marcus we're supposed to be intimidating, now is not the time for jokes!!" I hear Ethan whisper yell. "Fine. Veronica give me a thumbs up if you can hear us." I give a thumbs up hesitantly. "Okay great! Let's begin our fun." Ethan says. Nessa gives me a worried look and I give her the same expression. "What do you want???" Nessa yells. "What do you think princess? I want you back." Marcus replies. "That will never happen!!" Nessa screams. "Once you hear what the rules are I think you will oblige." He says. "What rules?" I ask scared. "Right, well, this goes for both of you since Marcus wants Nessa back and I want you back, you know the deal. Number 1: No complaining, fighting back or disagreeing. Number 2: You must follow all of these tasks. Number 3: No breaking things of any kind (unless instructed) and most importantly number 4: If you break anyone of these rules, we kill your twin. Basically say Nessa complains, we kill Roni, and if Roni doesn't follow a task, we kill Nessa. Easy enough, great." Ethan says. I start to cry along with Nessa. After a moment of silence Marcus speaks up, "Alright, well the first task is for Miss Vanessa Jo Merrell. Veronica you are going to be escorted out by Ethan, and Vanessa and I are going to have a little fun." Nessa looks at me terrified and a door opens. It's Marcus and Ethan. Ethan grabs me and pulls me out of the room and Marcus walks in with an evil smirk on his face. "Don't hurt her," I tell him sternly. He looks at me than pouts "Well that's not really your decision to make sweetheart." He shuts the door and Ethan brings me to another room and sits me down on the chair. I hear Nessa scream through the wall and I shoot up. "SIT DOWN" Ethan yells at me and I sit. I start to cry hearing Nessa's screams and cries from the other room. "Why are you doing this?" I ask Ethan. "I want you back. And for that stupid Aaron that you're so much in love with out of your damn life so I can have you to myself!" He says getting angry. I stay silent and he gets up walking around pacing. All I can hear is Nessa's muffled screams. Then silence. Ethan picks up his phone "Alright," he says into the phone and hangs up. I stand. "Follow me," he says sternly. We walk back into the room, Marcus walks out slicking his hair back. I run in the room and see Nessa out of the chair in the corner of the room sobbing. I sprint over to her and engulf her in a hug, "Are you hurt?" I say looking at her and she nods and shows me two bruises on her wrists obviously from being pinned down. "Nessa...." I say realizing what he did. She just cries harder and hugs me. I stand up and turn to Ethan and Marcus. "DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY??? DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE BENEFITING FROM THIS AND THAT WE'LL FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU OUT OF FORCE AND THREATS????" I scream and punch Marcus in the face as hard as I can and he falls over. Marcus's eyes grow wide and he throws me into Ethan who pins me up against the wall by the neck and slaps me hard. He pulls out a knife and grabs my arm and pushes it against the wall. He glides the knife across my arm and does it several times, I scream out in pain and agony, then he drops me and faces me to look at Nessa with a gun to her head.

*Nessa's POV*

I feel the cold barrel pressed against my skull. My life flashes before me, my first steps, playing with Roni in the back yard, the first time riding a bike, my first boyfriend, my first heartbreak, when I met all my friends, when Roni and I started YouTube, when I met Kian. All of these memories flooding into my brain and I can't help but cry. I'm snapped out of it by Marcus's words, "Now, if I'm correct, the last and most important rule, was that if you break any rules your twin sister gets killed." he says gritting his teeth. Roni cries pleading for them to kill her instead. "STOP!" I yell out, "Excuse me?" Ethan says. "Shoot me, shoot me instead." I say closing my eyes. "Nessa no you ca-" "Roni stop. Tell Kian I've always liked him maybe even loved. Tell Aaron that if he hurts you I'll haunt him forever and that he's a great guy. Tell mommy and daddy that they were the best parents I could ever ask for. Tell all of our friends-" "Nessa I cant let you do this," Roni says crying. I continue to cry. "Tell our friends how much they mean to me and make sure Tiger gets at least one puppachino from Starbucks a week," I say and laugh at that last part. She smiles and hugs me tightly and gets pulled away from me. "Just do it already," I say with my eyes closed tight. There was a crash, a scream, the barrel of the gun was lifted off my head and then there was a bang. A gunshot noise. Then I hear Roni scream out "MAKE SURE NESSA IS OKAY"

1,218 words not including this and the warning. Tell me what you guys think of this chapter and tell me what you think is going to happen next.

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