Chapter 1:

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  • Dedicated to Demetri

Chapter 1: I Remember

Here we go again. You want to leave. Again. You've had a horrible day. Again. That teacher you hate was giving you more crap today. But hey, you're drunk at school again. It doesn't really matter. You argue some, but eventually you just ignore her like you usually do, or you at least you try to.

We're texting in school as usual. No one really cares as long as we don't get caught. I try to cheer you up. And as always, I do, but as always, it's short lived. Nothing I do can ever seem to really get to you. I try, and try, and try. Every day I try, and every day I get to you, or at least I think I do. That is before you push me away. Again.

Life is hard. It sucks. You just want to leave. Leave it all behind. I don't blame you. My life isn't very hard, nothing compared to yours. But sometimes I want to leave too. The difference between us is that I know that I can't leave. I have people who need me just like you do. It kills me that almost everyday you hurt yourself or at least want to. That almost every single day, you just want to leave.

We're on the phone again tonight like always. You're telling me about your day. It was absolutely horrible. You were drunk that morning, still a bit tipsy at the moment. As we talk you say you need to go take a shower. You go. Afterwards we talk about a bunch of random stuff. Then you tell me that you had cut yourself. Again. I already knew of course. I can always feel when you cut.

You're crying now. I'm trying to comfort you. It's not easy, but it can be done. Once you come around I tell you, "I love you." and you say. "I love you." back. I say it over and over again until I can hear the slightest hint of a smile in your voice. Sometimes I think you fake it. No. I know that you fake it at times like this. But I know that you at least try. You try for me, which means the world to me.

It's time for bed now. We say goodnight. I let you go.

I'm lying in bed now, waiting for sleep to pull me into a sea of unconsciousness. My mind wonders. It wonders back to a little after we first met a few months ago. You had asked me to picture scenes in my head. Then you would ask me to explain what I got from them after you described them. It's all coming back to me now. I remember.

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