Chapter 10: Real as a Shadow

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Avian and Flash bunked up in the living room of Avian's so called house, while Una and Amber slept in the porch. As night fell, the four teenagers went into a deep slumber. Una closed her eyes and her brain began to slur as she tossed and turned in her sleep. As Una rolled around, she rolled too far and tumbled into the pool, then the memories came thundering back. A young born is on a boat with her family, when suddenly the boat tips over sending the baby flying into the water. Wave crash over the crying baby, finally the child gives up and starts to sink into the blue abyss. Just as the babies body was about to become fully engulfed by the water, the moon and stars flashed and the child's eyes shot open and were filled with tiny waves crashing over her pupils. Then the ocean calmed down and floated the baby to shore, where an orphanage took the child in.

Years go by

the child is now 15 and called Una. Una has water powers ever since the accident in the water many years ago. All the other kids in the orphanage had powers too, only the all girls orphanage had only one girl with water powers.

"Why so blue smurfett?" A girl asked walking up to Una, she's never seen this girl before her eyes flashed and flickered with flames, while she smirked,

"I heard you were the only water girl here, well I'm new and it seems I'm the only one here with fire powers. Names Amber." She smiles.

Una introduced herself when suddenly the alarm went off. Una woke with a start breathing heavy, but she was under water. She came up to the surface and looked around to see Amber, Flash, and Avian sleeping, or so she thought.

Amber shot up screaming, the two girls looked at each other and panted, "we need to talk." "Why are you in the pool?" Amber asked chuckling,

"I'm not sure, I woke up in here."

They sat on the grass as Una told her dream, then when she was done Amber told hers. Amber took a deep breath and begun

"a family is on a camping trip enjoying their time, the middle-aged child was bored so she set off on a hike in the woods. Hours went by and she realized she smelt smoke, she started to run back towards her camp when giant flames of fire blocked her path. She could hear the cries of her family, the child decided to run through the fire in order to get to her beloved family. She cried out as flames whipped her, the girl tumbled out of the fire covered in burns. Determined to find her family, she continued to sprint towards the cries of her family. Choking on thick smoke, the kid collapsed coughing and crying. The girl knew it was too late and couldn't continue, she was just about to pass out when the moon and stars flashed. The child eyes flashed with little flickers of flames, she healed instantly and before she knew it she was standing on ambers in front of an orphanage. The girls collapsed crying as she realized that she had lost her family.

Months go by

The child is now fifteen and named Amber, she used to be a scared, shy girl who never left her room. Now Amber was a sarcastic, outgoing person that is almost always out and about. She walked down the hallway of the orphanage leaving burn marks on the floor and saw a girl with tiny waves crashing in her eyes. She must be that water girl everyone talks about, Amber thought. She walked up to the girl and introduced herself and the girl replied 'my names Una' then suddenly an alarm went off, and I woke up... Can I have some water?"

Amber finished and gulped down some water given by Una. The girls stayed up the rest of the night, too afraid that they would remember something else if they went back to sleep. Morning came and Avian and Flash woke finally woke up.

"Morning girls, how'd you like sleeping under the stars?" Yawned Avian

"Wait, why do the both of you look absolutely traumatized and have circles under your eyes?" Asked Flash, "wait, was it the EVILS? It has to be, there is nothing else here to scare us" he started rambling but stopped when he noticed them shaking their heads.

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