CHAPTER 8: Return of The Board

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Quietly the three heroes crawled through the vents of the EVILS' layer once again. "So how do we know where they are keeping her?" Avian questioned, "I guess we will have to lo-" Una was quickly cut off by a gasp as she fell through an opening of a vent. The boys scrambled to the edge looking down to see if she was okay. Una was sprawled on the floor, groaning she said "Found her." With that the boys jumped down. Avian landed perfectly on is feet, while Flash had a bit more trouble. His foot twisted and he fell face first with a bone cracking thump. As Flash stood up, Una had a worried expression and Avian snickered "That's a nice bloody nose you got there" Flash rolled his eyes, ripped a part of his sleeve, and held it up to his nose. Finally, the group took a good look around. It was mostly an empty room except there was a control panel and a glass window, behind the window had Amber hooked up to one of The Boards. Una then tells Avian to keep watch and Flash to give the signal if anything happens. After, she turned and ran into the room where Amber was held, Flash looked at Avian with a blank expression and said "Did she tell you the signal?" Avian shook his head in reply. Una bursts through the door screaming "Amber! Are you ok?" Amber's eyes open with joy "You came back!" tears start streaming down her face from pain and happiness. "What did they do to you?" Una demanded as she starts to unlock the locks and chains. Amber's face falls when she starts to explain, "they broke both of my legs to make sure I couldn't run away, they used The Board on me four times because of my unnecessary comments" she rolls her eyes, "and I think one of my ribs might be either broken or bruised." Just then, "uh.... SQWAK.... uh.... CA-CA!" Una sprang into action throwing aside the last bit of chains, she tried to carry Amber but ended up dropping her. Amber whimpers with pain as Flash ran in to help, the two carried her out to see Avian blowing a tornado at Richard. Seeing the sight of the three, he stopped the tornado and ran leaving The Queen shocked and confused as she just happened to walk into the scene and Richard leaning against the wall stunned. The powerful four ran out of EVILS headquarters unharmed.

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That night when everyone was sleeping, Amber took the crutches Una made her and hobbled toward the campfire where the flame was going out. She made the fire a little bigger, and started to walk away. "Amber, what's going on?" Whispered a familiar voice, she turned around to see Avian, who wasn't sleeping at all, standing with a sword.

"oh hi Avian, I was just going out for a walk." 

"Cool, mind if I join you?"

"No not at all, so Avian what were you doing with a sword?"

"I was on watch duty, tomorrow will be Una's turn."


"I know what you're thinking, how did I get a sword? It was my fathers before he died. He was a combat warrior. He trained me, but one night while he was on patrol he got shot by an arrow" Avian's face was emotionless but his eyes said it all. "I use his sword as a reminder of his bravery." His cheek shimmered with a single tear. Amber moved forward to give him a hug, he first hesitated but then excepted it. The two embraced, then continued to walk. Every now and then there would be a rock that Amber would stumble on, and every time Avian would catch her. The two walked on for hours, telling stories of their old life, laughing at each other's jokes. It was light out when they got back to the camp, chuckling at a story about how Amber used to always walk into walls. "Where were you guys?" scolded Una "you almost gave me a heart attack!" Una appeared to be walking around in circles while Flash made breakfast. "Uh heh, well you see I saw Amber get up and start to walk away so, I joined her and we just kind of walked around." Explained Avian sheepishly. Flash stopped what he was doing and looked up with a little bit of alarm on his face "So you left your post last night to go with her?" He looked at Amber, he said it with a note of almost jealousy. "Ya why not, he was the only other person awake. He just wanted to make sure I was ok." Amber replied

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