The Best News Ever - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"Yes, that is correct," the kid with glasses named Koya nodded.

On the way to class, I got to know the boys better, turns out they are roommates. I quickly learned that they were the complete opposite. Kato loved to read and learn, but Alamo loved sports and video games. They were both like my roommates except that they were a little more closed-off than the twins. Once we got to the classroom I took my seat in the back while Kato and Alamo took seats closer to the front. More people came in just before the bell rang. The teacher was the last to enter the room.

"Hello, class. Today I will be testing you on the weapons you can use and what you are capable of. " He explained. After he gave us the rest of the instructions he lead us into the room with all the weapons and gear. The rest of the hour was used to determine the weapons that were suitable for each student. All the older kids already knew what to get so they didn't have to go through the test. I also didn't have to go through testing since I already had my own weapons and gear.

Marine class was fun. Amoto and I got into a fight and I, of course, won. Then, Amoto decided to get back at me by making me act like a general in front of all of my classmates. I had to give them a taste of what it would be like in training camp. Amoto kept telling me I was being too soft until I called him to attention and commanded him to stop nagging me. So, yay, that class was really fun.

Lunch was next, I had made bentos again for me and the twins. I had told them I would be eating alone because I had gotten a call from the ministry of defense about a missile that was accidentally set off and was heading for America. When I had heard the news I started yelling at the idiots whose fault it was. From just my voice they could tell I was really mad, it was the fifth time this month that this had happened. After fixing the problem, and yelling at the missile control people some more, I was satisfied enough to head over to the place where the twins and their friends were.

"Sorry, I had stuff, to deal with." I apologized for scratching the back of my head as I sat in between my roommates.

"It's fine," Koya assured me with a smile. I smiled back nodding my head. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw both twins glaring at Koya but when I looked up to face them, they just smiled. I shrugged the thought off and started to listen to everyone's conversations. After lunch, I went to my next classes, Army training, Air Force training, and Medical training.

Once classes ended, I went to triathlon training. I walked out onto the field and looked around.

"Well, well, well, you finally show up for practice," A familiar voice came out of nowhere.

"Well, you know me, always having to be fashionably late," I shot back giving him a smirk.

"Whatever you say, your highness," Amoto bowed.

"Me royalty, that is a scary thought," I said. Amoto chuckled nodding his head in agreement.

We talked to the rest of the team arrived. Practice was boring, all we did was run through the woods playing tag. After practice, I went straight home while the twins stayed behind to talk to their friends. I walked into the house taking off my shoes and flopped on the couch. Not five minutes later I received a call from headquarters.

"Hello," I spoke into the phone hoping this was not another call because someone did something stupid.

"Hello to you too, Mari" The voice on the other end greeted. I recognized it as the voice of the 7th seat of the military council.

"Hey, Seven, what do you need," My tone went from bored to happy. Mr. Soto or Seven, as I call him, is a good friend of mine.

"I want to tell you some exciting news. We are having some of your friends from your training days transferred to your school to help you adjust a little better, ok?" I smiled at his news.

"Thanks for the heads up, Soto" I cheerfully answered him.

"I just wanted to tell you that. Have a good rest of the day," He said.

"You too," I replied before he hung up.

After that, I was really excited and decided to play some video games to pass time. About three hours later, Kato and Kotaro came in the door.

"Sorry, we 're so late. We went out to eat with the group," Kato said as they walked in to see me on the couch playing a really gruesome first-person shooter game.

"Yeah, whatever," I said not really listening.

"Die, die, die, DIE," I chanted into the headset as the twins went into their rooms to work on the writing assignment I had finished earlier in the day.

Four or five more hours past before I shut off the gaming console and went to bed.


Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it. I don't know when the next chapter will come out but it will in time so yay. I hope you liked it and have a good day. (I'm trying to be positive here, ok!)

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