The Best News Ever - Chapter 4

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I woke up to the smell of something burning. I still felt a little weak from my heat but the meds helped control it. When I came running into the kitchen, I saw the twins putting burnt, brown eggs onto a plate and smiling in satisfaction at their creation.

"What are you two doing?" I asked. Both boys whipped around in my direction surprised.

"We were just making breakfast," Kato fidgeted with his fingers.

"No duh, I mean, why are you making burnt eggs and toast," I rolled my eyes rephrasing my question.

"Well, as you can probably tell we're not that good at cooking. But we didn't want you to have to stress yourself with it so we decided to try to do it for you," Kotaro explained. My eyes softened and I smiled.

"I don't stress myself when I cook but thank you for the consideration. Now, you two go do something productive and I'll finish up here. Ok?" I said while pushing them out of the kitchen.

It wasn't long before we were all out the door heading into the main building to go to our core classes. When we got there we sat in our seats and waited for the teacher to come in and announce our lesson for the day. We were the first ones in so we had to wait a while but she finally came in a few seconds before the bell rang.

"Ok, today we will be doing a writing assignment. You can write whatever you want; as long as you can read it to the class out loud and have more than five pages. Class helpers will be doing this too," She looked at me and Kato. We both nodded. "You will have a week to complete this assignment, class time included. Your time begins now."

Everyone got out their laptops, the school had issued them to us for homework and class-related things only. After a few minutes, I decided to write a story about my life. Time passed quickly and before I knew it the class was over.

Math was easy, all we did was review easy equations. History class was a lecture on how Japan was founded, and science was all about how the heart and brain worked together. I knew all of the things they were teaching so I let myself wander off into la-la land while I waited for the bell to ring.

When the bell finally rang, the twins and I headed to our next class. We went our separate ways at the locker rooms and changed into our training uniforms. I was, of course, the first one out, so I started a conversation with James.

"Hello, General," He saluted and bowed. I saluted and bowed acknowledging him.

"How have you been, James?" I smiled at him standing by his side looking across the training grounds.

"Never been better, how about you General? Have you found some friends or maybe a mate?" He asked giving me a small smirk.

"Actually, yes, I have found the people I am willing to call friends. But, no, I have not found a mate yet," I answered, my facial features void of emotion.

"I see. Well good luck finding one," He said walking away to greet his students.

Today we practiced hand to hand combat. James had said we would be focusing on that for the next two to three weeks.

The class was over as soon as it started. I intentionally lost all my battles so I wouldn't draw too much, unwanted attention.

After class, I said my goodbyes to the twins and started toward my special ops class. Halfway there, Koya and Alamo caught up with me on their way to class.

"Hey, Mari, wait up," I heard Alamo call out to me as both he and Koya jogged to catch up.

"Oh, hey. You're Alamo and Koya, right?" I asked pointing at each of them as I said their name.

The Girl and LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant