Not an Aart update, but soon

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As you read the title, this isn't an Aart update, but I will post later tonight.

I have just watched the video mark posted and to come from a happy movie, into a sad video, I want all of you to go to his instagram his twitter or even his comments in the newest video and spam a lot of love to him

He deserves the world, and yet the world has given him to us, we don't really deserve a good person like mark.

He has been through times when it's been the hardest, this is one of those times and yet, he'll always be here for us.

And dare I say, if you think he's selfish for not doing the stream today, shame on you because he's worked harder than any of us, he never gave up when. The hate came and he didn't give up when he had surgery, or when his ex girlfriend broke up with him or when he was in pain and couldn't walk

He's the only person that I know currently that can ever make me cry,  and one of the only to make me laugh without having to force it.

He's the main reason I've made my decisions in my life, and that says a lot.

Go give him some support, please and thank you.

Have a good time now

Goodie bye.


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