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Gee!  God I get it!  I'm late!  And so is my book!  God,  anyways,  sorry...  Buy,  err,  is it bad that my dad and step mum think I have been harmig my self,  when I haven't?  Anyways, I also had to convince them that me,  "thinking" imma a boy,  is just a "phase" when it really isn't...  Yesterday I lost my voice for three hours,  which I lost it by going to a fair,  and screaming logic out on rides,  but!  *inhales* the thing I was using as a substitute binder for my chest,  was used by someone else in my other house hold and I couldn't find it so,  I went to YouTube and found a better way of a substitute binder,  so now I'm all good until my birthday,  which is this Friday,  also known as St.  Patrick's Day,  because about an hour after I wake up,  I'm literally four inches taller,  no joke.  It happened last year, my mum woke me up on my birthday,  and I was to her neck,  next thing you know I'm at her eye brows,  in two minutes!  So,  good luck to me,  yay!

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