"Some days, you're the Beemer. Some days, you're the goddamn deer" Jax's smooth voice floated into Ace's ear as she walks out the office. The boys rushed around the teller morrow parking lot. Each machine fixing their own project. spotting Jax and Chibs next to a broke down car with a deer hanging out the windshield.

"Some yuppie creamed her up at the streams" Ace snorted at Chibs word making herself known. the two men give her a smile as Jax throws an arm around her shoulder.

"He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?" Ace asks a smirk on her lips. The men chuckle as Jax throws a wink her way bring her closer to him for a spilt second.

"How the hell you want me to get it out of there?" Half-sack asks making Jax throw him a shit eating grin. Jax removes his arm from aces shoulder quickly walking towards a toolbox on the truck.

"Oh, come on Jesus' man" The prospect complains as Jax held up a chainsaw his grin growing into a smile.

 "Just pretend it's carve-your-own-steak night at Sizzler" Jax's suggestion made the Prospect frown. Ace chuckles bumping into Chibs as they watch the scene in amusement. 

"I don't eat meat man" Ace gasp at the prospect's words making Chibs laugh. Half-sack ducks down a blush forming on his cheeks at Ace's shocked face.

"Try some of Ace's brisket and you will change your mind" With that sentence Jax and Chibs walked away as Ace and Half-sack argued about when she could feed him her recipes. 

"You got to try it Kid" Ace says brushing her fingers in Half-sacks hair playfully. Half-sack smiled while shaking his head, Ace gave him a playful wink before the woman marched up to Jax, leaving Half sack to watch her walk away.

"Hey ma" Ace hears Jax greets as she reaches him. She was quick to grab the phone from Jax making the man glare as she pressed the phone to her ear.

"Hey Gemma!" she manages to squeak out as Jax wrestle her for the phone.  Jax snatched his phone back and began talking to his mother trying to shove Ace away from his phone as she attempted to grab it back.

"Hi Ace" Gemma's voice blare through the cell phone's speaker making the girl smile. Jax shoves the phone on speaker wrapping his arm around ace to pull her close.

"Did you go to storage?" Gemma asks through the phone. Ace could tell the woman was driving due to the noise in the background.

"Not yet" Jax answers making Ace throw Jax a look.

"I hope there's something you can use. Haven't looked through that baby stuff in years. Ace would you mind going with him there is so much stuff" Gemma asks knowing full well Ace was listening.

"Yes ma'am" Ace agrees a teasing smile on her face.  Jax throws a thankful smile at Ace before focusing on his phone call.

"You two still coming to dinner tomorrow night? I'm picking up steaks from German" Gemma asks making Ace beam at Jax causing him to let out a low laugh.

"Oh, you know it Ace can't wait practically foamin' at the mouth" Jax teases making Gemma laugh as Ace swats Jax's shoulder.

"You should bring Chibs and that new kid" Gemma tells them.

"New kid doesn't eat meat" Ace pips in leaning up onto the tips of toes.

"Don't patch him in. Can't trust anyone who doesn't eat meat" Gemma says Ace could tell there was a smile in her tone.

"That's what I said" Ace tells the woman making her laugh.

"HEY ACERS, WE NEED YOUR HELP OV'R HERE" Tig's booming voice calls making Ace sigh. Throwing a look towards Tig across the parking lot the girl smile and nods. 

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