Truth or Dare

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By: Death-For-One
From: DeviantArt

"I'm booorred!" you whined loudly to Clint and Jeff as you flopped down on the bed reserved for the sick. Clint glanced at you before turning back to his game of solitaire. Jeff, however, shared your feeling and fell down next to you.
"Wanna play truth or dare?" Jeff's voice was muffled from being face down but you were able to decode his sentence.
"Sure." you replied as you turned your head to grin at him.
"Ladies first." he told you as he flipped over unto his back.
"Alright truth or dare?"
"Dare." Jeff stated instantly while he sat up on the bed.
"Go lick the scapel in front of Clint." you smirked at him since Clint was in love with his job and all that it included. Jeff paled slightly but swung his leg over the side of the bed and swiftly got up as he swiped a scapel from the always ready tray before he plunked down in front of Clint and rubbed his tongue all over the metal.
"Jeff that's disgusting! Now I'm going to have to clean that all over again." Clint smacked Jeff in the back of the head while he snatched the precious tool back. Jeff hide his smile until he sat back down next to you and it took all you had to not burst into laughter.
"Truth or dare?" Jeff asked you once he was sure you were over your giggle fit.
"Dare." you said a tad hesitantly and at the smile Jeff was giving you you imediately regretted your decision.
"Well then, (y/n) I dare you toooo run and jump on Minho the moment he comes into the Glade."
      Red rushed to your face the moment he mentioned MInho's name and your blush only grew brighter as you recieved a mental image of what you had to do. Jeff's diabolicial smile morphed into a slack jawed scawff as you stared at the bed.
"Shut up." you glared at him while you shoved him softly and stuck your tongue out at him.
"I would but this is just to perfect. You like Minho." Jeff conituned to laugh and blocked your next attack on him.
"I do not. I'm just good friends with him and this'll make it awkward." you denied your attraction to the boy but your feelings were on display in your eyes.
"Yeah because you like him." Jeff called your lie out with a waggle of his eyebrows.
"No I don't! Besides even if I did you wouldn't be able to say anything or else Thomas might find out on your crush on Teresa." it was your turn to wiggle your brows and even added in a kissy face.
"You still have to go through with your dare and he should be back any second now."
"I hate you." you groaned but rose from your seat and started out the door just in time to see Minho come sprinting through the Maze door.
"Minho!" you shouted as you ran full force at your favorite runner. Minho stopped and turned to your direction but didn't have time to really think about what was happening because you had already launched yourself at him. He cried out in surprise as you crashed into him but he did wrap his arms around you as he fell.
"Didn't know you missed me this much." Minho smirked at you with a wink.
"Pssh we both know it's you who missed me." you scoffed with a large smile and you could only hope that your blood wouldn't rush to your face.
"Aren't you the one who jumped on me?" Minho questioned, the smirk never left his face even though his eyes shone with happiness.
"Yes but aren't you the one who won't let me get up?" you raised an eyebrow while you and him glanced down to see his arms still wrapped tightly around your waist.
"Fine you win, yes I missed you." Minho let his head fall back unto the ground, his smirk finally slipped from his face to be replaced with a look of content as he lied there with you on top of him.
"Falling asleep on me Minho?" you teased while you poked him on his cheek.
"No I'm falling asleep under you." Minho popped open his eyes to look at you with a grin, "Who knew (y/n) would be so dominate."
      Blood rushed to your face and after a few seconds, in which you resembled a fish out of water, you pushed yourself off him and quickly stood up before you twisted on your heel and stomped back to the Homestead.
"Idiot." Minho groaned as he smacked himself in the head after you had fully disappeared.

"What's wrong with you?" Thomas questioned. Minho still lay where you and him had fallen.
"I talked to (y/n)." Minho answered as he slung his arm over his eyes.
"Meaning you said yet another innuendo that freaked her out." Thomas crossed his arms and gave Minho his best you're-an-idiot stares. Minho lifted his arm to send Thomas a glare that clearly confirmed Thomas' suspicions. Thomas nodded his head once before he found a spot on the ground next to his glum friend.
"You do realize that by always objectifying her she now probably thinks that all you see her as is a toy and not a person. Which means that getting her to like you will be harder than it normally would."
"How do you know that?" Minho asked incredulously as he glanced at Thomas out the corner of his eyes.
"Teresa." he stated simply and with a grin as he sat back unto his hands.
"Teresa!" Minho gasped out as he hastily sat up, "(y/n) talks to her about me!"
"Yeah I think its like girl code or something." Thomas shrugged before he added as an afterthought, "She hasn't said if (y/n) likes you or not though."
"Could you find out for me?" Minho practically begged and had Thomas not known what it felt like to be in love he would've laughed at how desperate his usually cocky friend was. However, that didn't mean he was going to drop everything to help Minho.
"Yeah, the few hours I get to spend with my girlfriend I'm going to spend talking about you." Thomas scoffed, "Ask her yourself."
"How would I ask her?" Minho groaned while he flopped back unto the ground and stared up at the sky.
"Do something romantic." Thomas told him distractedly as he watched Teresa wave at him but before he got up to leave he gave Minho a warning, "Alby likes her too so you should ask her out soon."
    Minho's eyes widened and he once again shot up from the ground in a fit of panic.  He clenched his jaw in resolve as a plan formed in his mind and he quickly rushed to the one guy he knew would actually help him.
"Hey Newt I need your help."
~Later that night~
"(y/n). Hey (y/n). (y/n)!" the voice that had started out soft and gentle turned harsh and in an instant your eyes popped open and you swung your arm in the person's general direction. Your wrist was caught, though, but you hastily shot out a leg and that one struck your unknown assaulter.
"Oww." the voice cried out and with a grimace you realized who exactly it was that you had just kicked.
"Sorry Min." you apologized, "Why are you waking me up anyway?"
"I have a surprise for you." Minho answered and despite giving it his best attempt he couldn't keep the pain out of his voice. You winced but one look at him holding his left outer thigh put to rest your fear of kicking him in his junk.
"A surprise?" you echoed sleep prominent in your voice as you let your head plop back unto your pillow. Your eyes closed and your mind began to drift back into slumber when you felt yourself be scooped out of bed.
"Minho!" you whispered shouted as to not wake up your roommate, Teresa.
"Yes?" said the infuriating boy as he glanced down at you with a smile so wide your were sure his cheeks were about to bust.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking you to see your surprise." he answered in a calm voice as he continued to carry you out the Homestead and across the Glade. Your eyes widened though when he entered the woods.
"Minho what's this surprise?" you stammered out as a trickle of fear entered your heart.
"It's nothing bad I promise." Minho consoled but you still had the feeling of fear within you. Your body was tense as you were carried deeper into the woods but just before you reached the Deadheads Minho stopped and softly placed your back on your feet.
"Wait right here and um cover your eyes." Minho hurried off before you could respond so with a shaky sigh you covered your eyes, not that you could even see much in the darkness that surrounded you. After what seemed like an eternity of standing there you could hear Minho's footsteps getting closer. Or at least you hoped they were Minho's footsteps.
"I saw you peek keep them closed." Minho's voice echoed through the trees and so with another, but less shaky, sigh you once again slapped your hand across your face for another eternity.
"Alright you can open them now."
        With a muttered 'finally' under your breath you quickly pulled your hand away and let out a gasp. Minho looked up at from his seat on a blanket with a look of pure unease as he patted the ground next to him.  You hesitantly settled in beside him, carefully not to knock over the glasses of water, and stared at the arrangement of food he had laid out.
"You do realize we ate only a little while ago?"
"Yes, but I'm always gone during and I'll never get a chance to do this with your during the day." Minho shrugged his shoulders as he pulled a plate into his lap and started to play with it using his fork.
"Why would you want to have a da-picnic with me?" you question and you swore you saw Minho blush, but seeing there was only one torch stabbed into the ground it was hard to tell. Minho shrugged again before he slid something over to you but refused to look you in the eye.
"Rose seeds?"
"Newt says that if you like a girl you shoulder give her flowers." Minho responded but he still wouldn't look you in the eye.
"So what does flower seed mean?" your voice was low while you clutched the packet to your chest and stared at Minho, who slowly turned to face you.
"It means that I like you too much to give you something that would die." he declared quietly as he took your free hand in his and began to fiddle with your fingers nervously.
"That's really sweet Min, and I like you to." you bit back a giggle born by your nerves and Mino's eyes widened and his lips curled back into a large grin. You grinned back at him as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Newt said I shouldn't kiss you if you said yes." he murmured into your hair and caused you to pull away from him.
"Newt isn't always right." you winked at him and in an instant Minho's warm lips pressed against yours.
"Woah your face is red. What happened?" Jeff asked as you swept by him and began to organize the shelves of supplies.
"Minho was Minho." you retorted simply as you continued to do your job. Jeff peered at you but let the subject drop since he knew how the sassy boy could rile you up more than others.
"It's weird not having you fill the room with endless chatter." Jeff commented a few minutes later. The silence seemed almost disturbing after having he had grown used to hearing your voice throughout most of the day.
"Was that a compliment or an insult?" you questioned as you twisted around to give him a playful glare.
"A little of both." Jeff smiled at you but you had already turned your back to him. He sighed and shook his head when the sound of footsteps caused him to glance towards the door. A smile appeared on his face before he quietly tiptoed out the door to let Minho and you have some privacy, but not before he slipped a note in Minho's hand. You, however, had no idea that the object of your desire was actually in the room with you otherwise you definitely wouldn't have decided to count out the supply of certain products that you and Teresa were in need of.
     Minho remained quiet as he silently thanked whoever your parent's were for hooking up, because you were jiggling your leg as you worked and that caused your butt to shake as well.  Unfortunately, to Minho's utter dismay, he quickly realized that if you saw him checking you out all creepy like you'd probably get mad so he grudgingly cleared his throat.
"What's wrong?" you automatically cried out with worry in your voice while you twisted around to face whoever needed you. Your heart started beating overtime though once you saw it was Minho.
"Nothing, I just wanted to apologize for what I said earlier." Minho told you as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. You let out an inaudible sigh of relief and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more but quickly clamped it shut again.
"It's okay Min." you shrugged your shoulders and tried to play off the embarrassment you had felt at the time and were currently feeling again. Minho turned back towards the door but suddenly stopped and turned back to you.
"Will you come to the watch tower with me?" he rushed out almost like if he didn't get the words out as fast as he could he wouldn't say them at all.
"Uh yeah sure." you replied a tad confusingly before you hastily stuffed everything back into it's box. Minho squirmed behind you uneasily but the moment you turned back to face him he had already pulled his game face on.
"So why the watch tower?" you asked once the two of you were well under way to the destination.
"Cause it is less crowed then the picnic tables."
"I forgot about supper, how long is this going to take?" your stomach grumbled at the mention of supper and while you mentally told your stomach to slim it Minho gave you a small grin.
"I'll grab you a plate if you wait for me at the tower." Minho stated while he slid his arm off your shoulders, an arm you hadn't even realized he had placed around you. You nodded your head and gave him a smile before you split away from him and continued on your way to the tower.
    You swung your legs as they dangled over the side of the tower while you impatiently waited for Minho and the food he was bringing. Your stomach growled once again and with a small sigh you pulled your feet back up to go in search of your lost runner but just as you began to descend the ladder a voice called up to you.
"Hey, (y/n) where are you going?"
"Thought you got lost Min!" you shouted back as you re-climbed the steps. Minho finally appeared a few minutes later and proudly handed you a plate full of food with a flourish only he could produce. You gave him a quick smile, which he returned, before the two of you tucked into the steaming food. However, even amidst the wonderfulness that was Frypan's cooking you could tell something was heavy on your friend's mind.
"I've already asked this once but don't give me the same answer. What's wrong?" you inquired once both of you cleaned your plates.
"Jeff told me about the dare and then he gave me one as well." Minho still wouldn't look at you and you could feel your heart sink but you tried to keep a neutral face.
"Is the dare over then?" you asked quietly as you stared at the boy beside you.
"It hasn't even started yet." Minho flicked his eyes in your direction and an emotion you'd never seen shone in his eyes, "I was dared to tell you how I feel about you."
    You never believed a person's heart could beat that fast without bursting and yet your heart was going faster than a cheetah, "S-so how do you feel?"
"I-uh really like you."
"I like you too." a grin hastily formed on you face, and a matching own grew on Minho's, before you threw your arms around the boy you had a crush on for so long.

IG | | typically.thomas

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