Chapter 3: Hearts and Dices

Start from the beginning


Like chirping birds that do not take a break for even a little gasp of breath, the two girls dipped into each other's exciting conversation. They had a lifetime of events to narrate before the day finally ended.

"First, I should have you killed for snatching my Romeo," began Rose with a crossed look in her face and a slow evident gradual swell of her cheeks as they filled with emptiness. They laughed and slammed their palms against each other as each began to unfold to the other, the events brought forth by zillion questions most of which came from Rose.

"What color are his eyes?" "What about his do they look?" "Oh, those muscular hands! I wish they would just grab me..." "What about his voice? Lord! He is not from our earth..."  "And what was it really like...talking to him?"

"Well, it was the greatest feeling I have had all my life. His eyes fixated on mine as his voice thundered in utter perfection and the way his lips moved in speech, his cheeks just stretched enough to reveal that killer smile. 'O, his manly hands! He held me by the waist once when I pretended to be woozy for a second, and how real Paradise is, I tell you! He..."

And the talk went on and on until late into the night.

As the stars ushered into the night a beauty of the milky way, painting the sky in pure awesomeness, two souls felt drawn to each other like magnets do and as each one looked out to the sky that night, their hearts were drawn closer than they could imagine and this became the birth of a new story and the transformation of both lives into something both didn't want, but needed desperately.

One hand held a phone on its palms imagining how the night would have ended perfectly with a good night text in the least from their more favorite other. Another figure held on to sadness in its heart as the owner felt total emptiness, having tasted the beauty of a second with the person their hearts would bleed for every night until they were together again.

Indeed, a single handshake has an impact of a millennia expressed in humanly seconds of inexplicable feelings that fill your heart with both joy and confusion, ecstasy and sadness, laughter and silence...until when the silence ruptures its bounds, for it is in its confines that everything begins, and in the same fashion does everything meet an end.

The birds in one end seemed to chirp a hymn, a hymn which inscribed a note of poetic pieces in both hearts. From one end, these are the inscriptions that were made:

I wish...
That by the time the sun goes down,
I will have you in my arms
Look you in those sparkling beautiful eyes
And say the magic words
I wish
That by the time the wind blows
And the trees sway in dismay
In farewell to a day lived
My heart will be swelling with joy
The joy of having you in there
Not with every heartbeat,
But in ever heartbeat

And from the other end, these are the inscriptions that were made:

I wish that by the time the stars shine up high
And the clouds depart in line
I wish that by the time the moon stretches its beam
And then paints the darkness with magnificence
I wish that by then
My heat will have spoken
And you will be mine
For eternity.
I love you,
And I wish that by the time I say that
My world will be complete
With you and I
For eternity

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