He scowled again, jotting something more down in the file.  I noticed his hand was a little tighter as he wrote with anger. I could only imagine.... After this is done, I want to know what he was writing about me because I was sure he was somehow going to twist my words around if I pissed him off enough.  "I don't appreciate the attitude."

"I should hope not."

Rolling his eyes as he glanced to me, he proceeded with the next question.  "Are you high on marijuana as of now?"

Jesus, doesn't he know how to treat the people behind bars?  No matter my answer, why would he dare to trust it?  I mean, has he ever heard of a drug test to actually prove something?  My word should mean nothing to him without any proof. 

"Do you have a key to this cell on you?" I asked in a higher voice that I was more than sure was showing my aggravation.  When he answered me with a confused and annoyed look, I went on.  "Because I'm ready to drag your dumbass in here and beat the stupidity out of you."

I bet as a cop he wasn't allowed to respond to that as he wanted.  Because all he did was groan, his body tense with anger.  I chuckled under my breath, watching him struggle for an appropriate response as I sat in my cell. 

"We will be calling your mother to come and get you." He finally said, choosing to just try to ignore that.  "You will be punished another way: by services for the community."

I snorted.  My lord.  "So... community service?" I asked slowly with raised eyebrows, showing him just how stupid I thought he was.  No, in fact, I was sure he was stupid.

"If anything, you are getting off easy." He snapped.  "If I had a say, you would stay locked up." he said, closing the file in his hand.  Standing there, he watched me as if waiting for a cringe from me or reaction from his brilliant and very dangerous, threatening words.

"Oh thank god you are not in charge," I said sarcastically.  "I'm so scared," I said in a whiny and girly voice, raising my hands in mock distress.

He shook his head.  He turned back and faced the way he came.  Shaking his head with annoyance, he started walking back down the hall, obviously done with the questions - or he just was done with me, thank god.  "Crazy bitch," I heard him mutter under his breath as he walked away

At hearing that, I smirked.  I heard that my whole life and I learned to laugh at it.  I had to.  Because getting mad over name calling never helped me in the past.  But after that, my thoughts started to wander.  If Clare was coming to get me, I would just have to try to runaway again and I would succeed in running much farther than before. No matter what, I was screwed either way like I said before.  I was only 17 and my life was already messed up.  I would either be living on the streets if I ran or in jail if arrested after I turn 18. There was no way in sight I could turn my life around.

As I heard his retreating footsteps on the tile floor, I heard him yell out something to someone.  "Hey Luke, can you finish the interrogation for me?"  I heard the idiot say from down the hall.  I chuckled.  He was angry and wouldn't continue with me.  There's a good response I was satisfied with getting out of him.  And... an interrogation he called it?  Seriously, that was an interrogation?

A minute later after his footsteps faded, there was more coming my way.  As they were close enough, something more came with the sound of shoes on the floor.  The body to match those shoes.  A cop came into my vision through the bars.  It was the same one that caught me and arrested me.  The one that said those strange words to me a while ago.  If this guy, Luke, would continue asking me the questions, well it would be better than that stupid clown continuing I suppose.  I still wasn't happy about seeing him again.  He didn't cave to my immature remarks like I wanted.

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