All settled

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Manik is impatient he is checking every where in college but he didn't get a clue of the one who did it, manik kept his hands on his waist, he is shattered angry and frustrated.

Cabir looked at him then fussed his lips and took keys from his pocket and brought his bikes asked Manik to sit back and drove to police station

Manik frowned "Cabir why are we here?"
"To meet the drug addict"
Manik eyes widen and ran to the SI and took permission to meet the one they got arrested as Manik's dadu is minister he got chance to meet the person

When they entered the cell the one sleeping got up and when he looked at Manik
"So!!!! You came" Siddanth asked smirkingly
"Bastard how dare you" Manik started punching  him brutally Cabir and constable grabbed him tightly Siddanth started laughing
"This much love wow......"
Manik want to kill him badly but cabir asked "why?"
"Why???? Seriously????? You kept me here and think that you are hero and I will just complete my punishment and come back as best man as shown in movie???? Naaaahhhhh I want to show you how painful it will be to stay away from drugs when she is begging you and killing herself for one dose it's badly luck injection changed warna...... just four more dose she would have been begging for it" he laughed sarcastically
"I am asking you again why her???? Why not Manik or me????"cabir asked again
"Because you guys can bear the pain but you guys can't bare when it comes to that girl Manik loves madly weak point cabir drugs are my weak point she is his weak point that's it"
Manik all of sudden became calm "Ok fine I got it but Siddanth Really you think by making her or other one as drug addict can solve your problem? I know your mother and sister they are crying outside the station for your release begging me to let you out and already ruined your life do you really want your sister be one to ruin???? Think she is just 15 years she needs protection from so many bastard when you are drugged and slept unconscious if anyone of your friend in drug effect took her innocence can you tolerate???? Can she be alive??? Can you handle her??? Can you see into her face????"
Siddanth started beating Manik with rag "don't you dare bring my family into this"
"You brought them here with your drugs not me Siddanth you made them come realise it"
Cabir started this time " if you yourself lost control and attacked your own sister?" Siddanth took cabir neck and started to press hard constable want to beat him but Manik stopped "Siddanth killing me or cabir is not solution think what we said leave him I know you can't kill anyone cabir chal Siddanth think and ask this si to call me if you really want to change bye" both Manik and cabir came out walked to hospital.

Nandini is still unconscious Manik is not leaving her side for a moment he is not eating neither sleeping he just talking to Nandini to make her comfortable.

Parthasarathi is observing him carefully, he understood it's not just friendship as he thought and even watched Manik how he is so caring and in pain as Nandini is in pain.

After two days Nandini woke up, Manik is all time present their he didn't go home even to take bath, Mukthi is with sadana and cabir was one who brought his all necessary things. Nandini mother and father  too stayed with her but Manik is one who makes sure she comfortable talks to doctor about her medication brings food for her makes sure she fine and eating well, he even made her walk and when she is Ok he brought all the books which she is missing and he started to take all classes which she is missing.

After ten days of medication and observation doctors confirmed that she is fit and fine. No drugs in her system Manik forcefully conducted all sorts test twice to confirm the results. Sadana used to visit daily and spend maximum time with them.

Parth got total picture about Manik and Nandini relation he even had full view all the things going around about his friends family and his status along with his character and nature. Among all these he got totally impressed when he saw and experienced the care and love he is showering to Nandini and also how he was in pain and shock when he came to know about drug issue. At certain point he himself doubted Nandini knowing his daughter most but Manik did not even listened he started searching for source of the issue which made him feel guilty and also proud of him.

That doesn't mean he is accepting Manik this easily, he planned to give him tough time once Nandini reach home. So he is waiting for discharge.

Here sadana already guessed Parth mindset so she spoke to him and listening to her words he smiled and assured to give them permission keeping a clause of staying away from Nandini till she completes her medicine so that she can complete her dreams for which she studied so hard.

Listening to this sadana panicked she knew Manik and now when she just came out of hospital from such a bad experience and danger he is in no hell way going to stay away from her. Sadana tried to convince Parth but being a father he is correct in his place so he can't back off. She nodded

Listening to sadana Cabir and Mukthi started to laugh "sadana seriously is their any chance that Manik is not going to shift into Nandini house along with you when Nandini got discharged?"
"No!!!!! Extremely no" she replied
Both again laughed "it is going to be fun sadana chill marr we will enjoy this show just watch it the Manik Malhotra is going to beg his sasur it's best episode of my life I am going to record it it's epic" cabir is excited. Mukthi is hell happy to take revenge for her saree photos.

*"At last Manik is bending on his knees it's worth watching, what do you guys think??????" Any chances????"*

Nandini is in different mode she is scared that she got drugged unknowingly which made her freak out she is always surrounded by one or the other she never been alone either Piya or Manik always make sure present with her every time then how come this happened to her??? Why??? She even felt sad  that she is troubling all for her foolishness. She is stupid that she couldn't even protect herself.

Manik is noticing her silence, he is always making busy so that she couldn't get time to think on this again and again, knowing how sensitive she is by heart emotions he don't want her get stressed. So he is making her occupied either with studies which is her favourite or with chess which he is making her play to kill time. He almost succeeded as she is not even able to think about all that for a moment but sometimes questions peep out to make her sad and stressed.

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