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 I stare at Elena, Klaus was right. The images of Katherine I found tucked away are exact. "Cami," I introduce my self. "So do you guys go to college here?"

"Yup we go to Whitmore college, but we're back home for the weekend." Elena looks around the cafe while Caroline talks.

"He's not here yet Caroline."

"I'm sure he'll be here soon Elena." Caroline turns back to me.

"Anyways Cami, we were wondering if you would be interested in coming to a fundraiser tonight?" Part of me wants to say yes but Klaus faces flashes in my mind.

"It sounds like fun but I've made plans tonight with a friend."

"Oh." Caroline looks at me knowingly. "A friend aye."

"Yes, definitely just a friend haha." I laugh, I hate my laugh all airy. Yuck. The Brew bell rings and a guy walks in wearing a leather jacket. Holy-smoke he's hot. Like really hot. Elena smiles and runs over to him, planting a kiss on his mouth. He smiles and looks down at her, swinging her in his arms.

"Where were you?" Elena looks at her hubby.

"Helping Stef know who." He glances up at me. Oh. Wait-Stef? As in Stefan. As in Stefan Salvatore? But that must mean he's-

"Hey I'm Damon Salvatore, and you are?" He looks at me with his baby blue piercing eyes. My breath catches, damn he is gorgeous.

"Cami, Cami O'Connell." He smiles at me. A Klaus smile. A smirk. "Well, it was really nice meeting you all. Um, I guess I'll see you around." I hurry out the door bumping into a man.

"Oh Sorry." Heck, he's hot.

"It's fine haha." I walk out the door into the sunshine, glancing back into the brew I see him talking with Damon. "Stefan" I breathe. My arm is grabbed and I stifled a scream. it's just Klaus.

"What did I tell you about meeting new people?"

"It's hardly my fault! I just went in for a drink." He sighs

"Come on then." We walk back down the road past another Chevy, this time a blue one.

"get a car like that Klaus." I smile. 

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