✓Muse x Lonely! Fem! Reader! x Seiyuu

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Forgive me if this is terrible. I'm writing this half asleep with caffeine being my last source of energy.

Requested by:HonokaKousaka361

Little Bird

Working as a sound director in an entertainment company was not what you saw your future as. All these "colleagues" of yours looked at you as if you were filth. None of them wanted to talk to the sound director. After all, they're far more superior than you and now, you're left to do your job alone. In this hell called a workplace.

That's how things went, until six years ago.

Six years ago, nine idols came into one of the recording rooms that you were assigned. Your higher ups explained what their jobs were. Idols acting as voice actors who called themselves μ's. Thinking they were more work on your plate, you heave a sigh and check a run through of all equipment. Mics, stands, volume mixers, everything.

Signaling them to warm up before recording, you put on your headphones in hopes of finishing the recording in one take. Lifting your hand, you sign them to start.

You went on with your job, pushing buttons, pushing and pulling mixers, twisting and turning knobs, everything a sound director was assigned to do.

After a good few takes, you finally perfect the recording, take a break, and the idols make their way out telling you they were going to get themselves snacks. Without sparing them a glance you just nod while you started checking for splits, audio malfunctions, and other unwanted occurrences in the recording.

You were scared to look into their eyes. It scared you to think that the look of disgust, isolation, judgment would be present on those orbs.

What you weren't expecting though, was the can of cold cola placed in front of you along with a pack of biscuits. Raising an eyebrow slightly, you snap your head up only to be met with the sight of the nine idols smiling widely at you.

With a small nod of your head and a mumbled 'thank you', you look back at the screen continuing your work, biting your lip in an attempt to hide the smile forming on your lips.

What you thought was a one time thing, eventually evolved into something more. From simple interactions such as sharing food, to slowly opening up to them. It was all overwhelming. To think these nine girls, idols, were the first people you've opened up to. The first people you let in. It was strange.

Then, in the few years of working together, a bond was formed between the nineteen of you. The nine idols, the nine characters, and of course, you. You felt such a connection with these animated characters that it was simply terrifying. You found yourself consoling in their songs to brighten up your day.

It was euphoric.

But alas, time does in fact fly.

μ's was no longer there. They had split ways, paths differently taken. Now here you were, playing those recordings over and over. Those songs over and over. Those episodes over and over. All that was left of μ's you sought.

μ's once sang, The little bird's wings have finally grown large. It's a day to take flight.

And just as the song had said, the birds that are you and μ's have finally taken flight, off into different directions.

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