✓Riko x Oblivious! Fem! Reader

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Requested by: No one since I have no requests in cue. Request now please :p This shot is pretty crappy since I'm half asleep but why not.

Say Yes

Would you be my love?

The way her lips formed into a smile, or the way she would look at things she liked, it was incredible. Watching her smiling and laughing, she was your happy pill.

Say Yeah

Her smile, her voice, her actions, everything about her was perfection to you. The way she would giggle or laugh at your cheesiness always seemed to rock your world.

Why does my head keep on filling with you?

How did she brighten your day? How did simple words from her make your lips quirk upwards? Who knows.

I don't get it

How and why did she have your heart racing just by a touch? How did her compliments affect you so much? Why was looking at her with others hurt?

Why does it have to be you?

You wondered why your mind would relate nearly everything to her. From the sight of a piano to even the simple look at a cherry blossom.

When the weekend comes

She was never one to inform everyone what her past times were and luckily, you were among the very few who would have gotten to know. It made you smile.

I want to call you and make you come out

Sometimes she would message you randomly and you'd do it back. You wondered why you were so tempted to record every call you had with her to simply hear her voice.

Why aren't you answering

When she would look another person, it always seemed to hurt. You wanted her attention and you wanted her for yourself.

What are you doing

She loved her friends and her position as an idol and that made you smile. Sometimes however, she forgets that she needs a break and that's something you have to remind her. You don't mind.

My god it's weird

Everyone you had confined in said that this was the so called feeling of love. No way. Falling for her was not something possible. No way. It was probably a friendly love.

I used to see you everyday

Watching her practice, sweat trickling down face or when she would drink water and a few droplets would roll down to her neck. It somehow made you feel hot in the cheeks.

What is it

Everyone kept saying you looked good as a couple but you knew better. There was no way you were in love. It must be a friend thing.

This isn't like myself

Ever since she had stepped through those classroom doors four months ago, your world seemed to take a whole new turn. She just felt special.

I don't know why I'm like this

Everyone was interested in her. Who wouldn't be? From good looks, to attitude, to intellect, to talent, she was incredible. Somehow, when someone came near her just to flirt with her, you felt possessive. It was weird.

I like this familiar feeling

Everyone said love is an amazing feeling. They said the feeling of a racing heart, of euphoria when the person you loved smile. It certainly puzzled you though, everyone said you loved her but it wasn't just amazing. It was indescribable.

I like the clumsy way you talk

You could remember the days she was so shy clear as day. The days when she would apologize for nearly everything. She was adorable.

How about you?

Somehow your heart desperately needed her. You would always miss her even if you've only been apart for ten minutes.

What do you think of me?

Why did people say you were in love? They all said you had the symptoms so maybe you were in love.

Answer me

Looking at her now, maybe you were in fact in love with her. Maybe her smile was what could quirk yours. Maybe you really did fall.

Please say yes

Maybe you were in love with Sakurauchi Riko.

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