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It was a normal day at the guild

Lucy's POV
  "Hey Mira dosen't it seem quiet? "Now that you mentioned it, it does" replied Mira jane. What happend to all the slayers,They'll show up sooner or later. "HEY LUCY." Who's calling me?
I turned around I saw Yukino running towards me. "Oh my Gosh Yukino!?" Following her was Minerva, Kagura, and Eve. What are they all doing here?
"Hey Yukino."
Oncw they got in the guild "Oh hey what are you all doing here?" says Erza.
"We need to ask you guys something." Say Minerva
"Yeah go ahead." Say Mira getting shifty.
Eve asked "Have your slayers been acting weird?"
"Yeah." I said feeling nervous "And are they not showing up." All of them nod in unison, I don't feel good all of a sudden. The doors Swings open. All of us had a Shocked look on our faces it was all the Slayers.

Thats all for now sorry if it was bad this was my first ever fanfic

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