Unbroken; ten -Give Your Heart A Break

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*this chapter is REALLY long sooo lol*


The car had fog all around the windows and I was fighting a moan thinking that some one was walking through the woods and might hear. Zac was on top of me as his soft and delicious tongue was almost down my throat. My hands tied in knots with his hair as his cold hand slipped under my sweater. My jacket in the front seat of his car.

My heart was beating faster as I grind my hips under him. His stiff member reacting to me and boosting my ego. He groaned as I bit his bottom lip hard. His hands traveling faster up my stomach, brushing over my pink belly ring. As soon as his cold fingers twisted around my nipples a loud moan seeped through my open mouth. His lips left mine and I felt him chuckle against my pale skin.

My shirt inched off my body and soon so did Zac's. My eyes lustfully admire his fit body as my hands molested him. He laughed and laid back on me, his mouth covering mine again. Then my phone rang.

"Damn, who is that?" Zac asked frustrated.

That douche bag wanted to start blowing up my phone again. At the very moment that I'm trying to move on in the easiest way possible. Zac got off me and I reached for my jacket in the front seat. Retrieving my phone there was a new message from Nick in the blue box on my screen. I quickly swiped the screen and read his message.

'We need to talk. Can we please meet somewhere now? Call me.'

How did he even get my new number? I sigh and ran my hand through my hair. My rings almost getting stuck because my hair was already so tangled. Apart of me wanted closure and then the other part of me wanted to fuck him over so bad. I let my phone roll out of my hand as I apologetically looked back at Zac.


When we arrived back at my house I wanted to apologize to Zac, but he just looked the other way. Ignoring me. Guess he isn't no better than the last guy.

"Bye" I muttered, getting out of his car.

Once I slammed his door shut he squealed off, leaving me in the dark and cold.


I rolled my eyes and turned towards my house. Flipping the collar of my jacket up I walked up the path to my house. The warm scent of yellow rice and biscuits hit me hard as I walked inside the house. Not wanting to really be noticed I ran up the stairs into my room. The hardward floor still covered in my clothes from this morning. I took my phone out going over the same texts, over and over again. I don't know why I decided to even meet up with him.

I sat at my vainty and looked myself over. I groaned and grabbed my brush, brushing the missed tangles from my hair before putting it into a loose ponytail. I should text Miley before I ask my mom for the car tonight.

After letting her know and reading her reply, I made my way down the stairs. My mom was over the stove, stirring up a pot of macaroni. Slowly, I eased behind her. Wrapping my arms around her neck she laughed as I kissed her cheek.

"Mommy can I get the car?" I asked in my little girl voice.

"Where you headed?" She asked.

I let go of her and sat on the counter, grabbing the pack of cheese and squirting some in my hand. To play it off I shrugged my shoulders.

"To Miley's, boy trouble," I say nonchalantly.

My mom knows how me and Miley have the worst luck in boys. She also knows how close we are to eachother too, practically sisters really. That's why its so easy for me to use her as an excuse and vice versa. Except with my dad, he hates Miley. Says she is too out of control and boy crazy. He did love Selena though, that should tell you a lot about my dads judge of character.

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