Unbroken; eight -Hold Up

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"Ok, get your ass up! We're going to the carnival!" Miley screamed at me, pulling my pink and white comforter off me.

I groan and buried my face into my pillow. I've been moping around for three weeks now. Not happy with myself and feeling worthless. If Nick couldn't love me without cheating then who could? Selena apologized and I forgave her, but I will never forget. She knew Nick was different.

Miley wanted to beat her up for me, but I told her to just let it go. She's not even worth it. I feel nothing towards selena. Not even hate and I get so angry with myself that I don't hate her. I don't even hate Nick, I just hate the fact that it ended that way. That he ruined something good for me.

"Demi, please! Get the fuck up!" Miley was now on my back, humping me.

"C'mon, or im tell people you were humping me in my sleep. You lesbian"

I laughed and raised my hands up, muffling an,

"Ok, I'll go you freak!"

Miley squealed and clapped her hands. Bouncing on me still. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Get off, bitch"

Miley, laughed and got off of me. I sat up and ran a hand through my messy hair. I dyed it after what happen. It's blonde, brown, and pink. Wild. Wondering what I was going to wear I walked over to my closet. I pulled out my grey Mickey Mouse sweater, some white skinnies, and a blue jean jacket because its the middle of January. Pairing it with a plain new pair of black uggs that I got for Christmas.


Miley ran out of my room and I began to get ready. Taking a quick shower and brushing my hair. After throwing on my clothes I applied a little make-up. Who knows? I might meet someone famous like Ashton Kutcher. Spraying some sexy smelling perfume on, that I also got for Christmas, I ran down the stairs.

Miley was eating a warmed-up poptart and swinging her keys around on her pointer finger.


"No, I just have to shower and get ready again"

Miley laughed and opened the house door.

"Let's go, bitch"

I laughed as we both hopped into her 2011 red Jeep Wrangler. Miley quickly blasted the heat and her Frank Ocean. I groaned and laid my head against the cold tinted window.

"Demi, make this your last day thinking about his dumbass and that stupid bitch, ok?"

I stayed quiet because I froze up. Everyone knew why I was depressed and shitty lately, but they never bought up the reason. Not since it happened. Miley never even bought up his name when he was sending her messages, cards, flowers all that shit to give to me.

"I'm not-- I'm serious Demi! If I even feel that you're thinking about him, I'm gonna beat your ass. If I catch you looking at some of those hidden pictures, I'm beating your ass. If I caught you on his Facebook-- OK Miley!"

I yelled. Sick of how well she knew me.

"I promise"

"Now, if you meet a fucking hot guy, give him your number! And if even he wants to get it in, let him in!"

I laughed then and slapped my thigh.

"I'm not even joking, bitch" she laughed softly.

I wiped a tear from my eyes and knew she wasn't either.

"You need to stop cussing so much, its unclassy"

"I'm a fucking sailor, who fucking said I was fucking classy?"

Her eyebrow was raised as I continued to laugh that my stomach began to hurt. I clutched my new six pack and tried claming down.

"Fuck you, Demi"


You guys understand all the threats and Hold Up mash up, right? Ok cause I don't want to explain. :P

Comment please :)

Do you guys want anything next? I'm in the writing mood. :)

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