Unbroken; two -Who's That Boy?

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As I walked with Demi to the old baseball field to watch a few guys play I told her I envied her outfit. It was the perfect outfit for November. A pink button down shirt with a brown polo horse slogan. Brown Uggs and a small over the shoulder brown leather purse. She laughed and turned the corner.

Nick had invited her to watch him play with some of his friends against some of our guys from school. It's been about a week since they started talking, but their Facebook status says 'single'. They were already playing and not many people where sitting in the bleachers. Only about five people now including Demi and I. I sat on the cold bleachers and immediately focused on the game. Nick was pitching and a shaggy haired blonde walked to the plate to bat. Nick smirked then faced his teammates in the outfield. "bring it in!" he yield to them. They all began to laugh and do as told. One boy even sat down, pulling some sunflower seeds from his pocket.

"Nick is mean, Demi!" I say to her, but she laughs it off.

"well he is pretty sweet to me," she retorts.

"whatever," I reply and continue to watch the game.

Nick throws a fastball and the guy spins around with the bat, trying his hardest to hit the ball. Everyone laughed then another boy walks up to him, patting him on the back and sending him to the dug-out. He tapped the end of his bar with his shoes and Nick slowly stopped laughing, but kept a small grin on his lips. He waited until everyone was back in the outfield. The tension between the Nick and the new guy was very known.

"uh-oh" Demi whispered to me.

I glanced toward her and in that split second a crackling sound erupted through the air. Facing the field again the guy took off at the speed of lightening to first base, making it pass second, reaching third and home he went. The ball went over the fence and rolled into the woods.

"damn," I chuckled at Demi.

I looked down at the guy again. He wore a baseball shirt and blue jeans. He had floppy black hair and he smiled, showing a line of perfect white teeth. [ just picture him from camprock 2] He was hot.

I wonder if he is single. Me and him would look so great together. Man I bet he have some amazing abs. Ugh, he looks so delicious while he stood at the gate of their dug-out. As another boy went to bat I just stared at him, completely mesmerized.

"Demi, do you know him?" I ask still staring at the hottest boy I've ever saw.

"no, but dang girl stop staring I think he gets it now," Demi said to me. He was smiling at the stands, me, and then nod his head. I blushed and looked away.

"oh my gawd," I whispered to Demi.

A boy haven't made me act this way since sixth grade, who's that boy?


After the game was over Demi looked disappointed along with Nick and his whole team. Sexy-face team won by two home-runs. [ idk about baseball xP ] As we walked down the stands I ran towards Nick, pulling him away from Demi.

"will you please tell me who's that boy with the bag!" I ask referring to sexy-face who was carrying a sack of gloves to his red ford pick-up truck.

"you're too young for him, bro" Nick chuckled as Demi approached us.

"pleaseeeeeeeee!" I plead. He sighs and roll his eyes.

"his name is Joe, but be care-thanks!" I say cutting him off.

I left them two along and raced towards sexy face. Slowing down and flipping my hair a little I watched as his muscles flexed when he tossed the bag into the back of his truck. He turned around and looked at me then tending to his business again.

"hey" I say loud enough for him to hear me.

He turned around and his eyes were the perfect hazel brown. I started melting inside as he smiled at me.

"I'm Miley" I say, more calmly now.

"hi, Miley, I'm Joe" he says.

His voice was like music. I'm in love.


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