Ubroken; six -Unbroken

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Sitting on Nick's bed I took my letterman made jacket off. We were on his bed playing BS. It was a normal Saturday night for us now. I would come over and hang out at his house because he was afraid of coming to mine and meeting my brother and Dad.

"getting too hot for you Dems, need me to step out?" he asked.

I sarcastically laughed and shook my head as I dealt the next hand.

"Nick, don't flatter yourself" I mumbled.

He laughed stretched his legs out from under him.

"why not? Someone has to boost my self-esteem since someone doesn't believe in giving compliments"

I scuffed and cocked my head to the side.

"Nick, I complimented you early on your hair, I said it's a turn on" I remind him and he smirked sheepishly at me.

"so it's a turn on, uh? what else makes you hot about me?" he asked putting his hands together stared at me, admiringly.

"psh, thats it" I sat blushing and as he licked his lips while he chuckled I knew it was a lie.

That little gesture right there was enough for me to do anything he wanted willingly, but he will never know that.

"ok, so we're playing the lying game now?" Nick laughed and grabbed his cards, hiding them from me and sorting through them.

"no, I'm always truthful with you, babe" I tell him pushing loose strands of my hair behind my ear.

My hair was in a loose ponytail, I wore skinny jeans, grey polo v-neck, and my favorite black chucks.

I didn't even try to impress Nick tonight, I don't know why. Being around him just made me so comfortable, yet I couldn't fully open up to him about everything in my life. Still afraid he could betray me any day.

"so, every time I catch you bluffing, you confess something you've never told me and I'll do the same thing. It could be anything" he said raising his eyebrow and smirking at me.

"even if I murdered someone?" I asked teasingly.

"your secret will always be safe with" Nick says smirking.

As we began to play I figured Nick was lying as he sat two 'threes' down.

"bs" I said and he chuckled while picking up the cards.

"I use to be obsessed with DragonTales" he said and his cheek redden.

"aw! Dragon tale, dragon tale, let's all go to dragon laaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnndddd" I sang, making him laugh loudly.

He pushed my shoulder making me fall side ways.

"that's cute Nick, I loved that show too" I tell him, flashing him a smile.

Moving on it was my turn to confuse something. I thought hard what I wanted to tell him and decide to attempt to arouse him.

"I like sleeping naked on cold nights with two blankets over me"

Nick smirked mannishly towards me and sat up.

"you just made cold nights memorable for me" he said.

I blushed and stared down at my hand.

"I sleep naked every-night" he confess.

I looked up at him and he was starring down my shirt.

"hey!" I yelled and pushed him backwards as I slightly land on him.

Placing my hands on his chest I tried pushing off him, but he flipped us over, straddling my waist.

My cards was now scattered around his bed as he pinned my hands above my head.

"don't pick a fight with me, knowing damn well you'll lose" he said and grin down at me.

Even though he was holding both my hands in his one, both mine was not strong enough to break free. With his other hand he put his thumb inside the top of my shirt, pulling it from my body and exposing my black bra.

"oh my god, Nick! This is molestation!" I scream while laughing at the same time.

"I'm just looking, I'm not touching" he said biting his grin away.

"ok pervert, are you done?" I asked him sarcastically.

"can I touch them?" he asked childishly and he released my hands.

I shook my head and laughed, pushing him off me and sitting on his stomach.

"how many girls have you slept with in your whole life, Nicholas?" I asked.

He smiled and held up three fingers then put his hands behind his head.

"how many have you Demetria?" he asked.

I lift one finger and smiled my 'cake-eating-smile' as Nick would describe it. He raised his eyebrow at me very approvingly.

"how long did you make him wait?" he asked me.

"more than six months like most of these girls, but I regret it" I tell.

"you found out I'm the one for you and you should have given it to me is the reason, right?"he asked making me laugh.

This is what I love about Nick, knowing when to make me laugh and just how to make my mood happy.

"something like that" I say quietly.

Nick cupped my cheek in his hands and caressed it with his thumb.

"we all make mistakes and it's ok not to feel good about them Demi, you learn from it. just remember to be happy again and never let the next person pay for your ex's stupidity. Because he is a complete dumbass for doing whatever he did that hurt you, but if I ever meet him remind me to thank him"

This boy! This boy! This boy! I just leaned down and kissed him passionately. His warm lips moving in sync with mine as his hand rested on the back of my neck. It's only been three months and his kisses still blowed my mind.

His daily corniness still tugging at my heart. The way he stared at me when we weren't even talking gave me chills up my spin. How he would hold me protectively and lovingly in his arms. That angelic musical voice melting me on the inside. Me knees would turn to jello when he smiled at me.

I couldn't explain it more how he made me feel inside, no one has ever made me feel this way. I should love this boy like I've never been broken, he deserves it.


no promises this is back, just felt like writing something. comment please :) haha im totally in love with the last sentence though! :P

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