Unbroken; nine -Mistake

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Miley and I had been walking around for hours. Playing a few games and joking with one another. We even scared a few kids when their parents weren't looking. Now I was eating a hotdog as we walked back to Miley's jeep. A couple of boys by the hotdog stand had invited us to a bonfire out by the lake.

Surprisingly, I agreed and wasn't bitchy about it not once. Throwing my trash away I sat inside the jeep as Miley got directions from the tall Australian guy. She's still with Joe, may I remind you. He smiled and waved goodbye as Miley got inside.

"So-- Fuck you" she said cranking up.

I laughed and buckled my seatbelt. Instead of letting the radio pick up from where it left off Miley decided to spark up a conversation.

"Wasn't he just so fucking hot?!"

I laughed, nodding my head in agreement.

After we arrived at the lake there were plenty of kids from our school there. Music was blasting from someone's car and people were walking around sipping burning liquor or beer from red plastic cups. The fire was blowing closer to the lake. I saw Zac from school and a few other people so I grabbed Miley and we headed over to them.

"What's up Demi and crazy ass white girl?"

Zac greeted us as we staggered into their tight circle. There was the Taylor's, Victoria, and Liam. I laughed and Miley mocked him before giving him the bird.

"Hey you guys," I giggled out.

As they continued to talk amongst one another, I searched through the fleid. Kids were from everywhere. I even seen a guy with a Lettermans jacket with a familiar school logo on the back. Quickly I looked away and shook my head upcoming thoughts from my head. I slight breeze blew around me and I clung to my jacket tighter. Believe it was freezing.

"I'm gonna go stand by the fire," I announced to them.

"I'll go with you," Zac offered, stepping from the group and giving me his charming smile. I smiled too and we walked side by side to the fire. Miley may have let it slip that Zac is "kinda" feeling me. She swore that he told her to tell me to hit him up once.

We walked in silence. His right hand in his jean pocket and the left one holding a plastic cup. Zac is considered one of the hottest guys at our school, but at the time he was trying to get with me I was already with douche. But now, I'm single as hell. Facebook official for weeks now.

"Haven't seen you out in a while. Where you been hiding at girl?"

I giggled as we finally stood infront of the warm and crackling fire.

"So you've been looking for me?"

Zac chuckled and took a sip of his drink. Still eyeing me as he did so. Skeptical, I looked up at him from the corners of my eye too. Once he put the cup back down from his mouth he kissed his teeth.

"You know I've been checking for you before you got un-single,"

Blushing, I looked down at the ground as a wide grin was fighting to be seen. Laughing I glanced back up. Anywhere other than Zac because I was getting too flustered. I didn't want him to notice it.

Instead I rolled upon an intense stare from a pair of chocolate brown eyes. Everything around me just seemed to stop and slow down. His jaw was tight and he just looked cold, but all in all he still held a hot fucking grip on my heart. No. He is not going to affect me. I won't let him. I won't give him the satisfaction. I just can't.

With all my strength I looked away, pretending nothing even happen. Like he was just a curious stranger. I kept my eyes on Zac's cup a bitter smirk stretched across my face.

"I'm single, there's booze.... and I'm still so cold,"

I grabbed Zac's cup and downed the rest of his drink. The nasty bitter taste burning my taste buds and a certain type of heat bubbling in my stomach as Zac neared me, wrapping his arm around my vulnerable body.

"Wanna get out of here then?" He asked huskily into my ear. His cologne clinging to me as warm tingles spread throughout my body with each skin to skin contact. Miley was in my head again and I hope he was watching.

Witnessing what was once all his, about to give it all to someone else.

____________ I love re-reading the comments on this series. Honestly, it motivates me to write more & more ;D & Omfg, what is about to go down?! :OOO

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