After arriving back in Ten those five years ago, they rebuilt what was now a small town from the ground up; people slowly moving in. They became a close knit community, helping each other out when it was needed or feed became low. Panem was just overall a better place, no more games and no more pain.

'Watch your inside leg, Fin, you're digging it into her,' Venus called to her husband.

'Like this?' He replied as he fixed his leg.

'Yeh, you're doing good.'

'Go Daddy,' Blue cheered.

Finnick cantered around the outside of the yard, sitting it nicely. The kids cheered him on as they sat on the fence once again, all of them laughing. The blonde did a few more laps in the back of the chestnut, before he stopped and slid off the horse's back.

'Alright, who's hungry?' He grinned.

'Me! Me!' Poppy and Blue cheered, Phoenix and Ash copying them.


The sun set on the horizon as the kids played on the back lawn, mucking around with the cattle that stood on the fence line and the two puppies; giggling their little heads off. Venus sat beside Finnick on the love seat they had on the back veranda, his arm wrapped around her.

She sighed lightly, 'How did we get so lucky?'

'What do you mean?' He queried.

'We've got four, soon to be five, beautiful children, a gorgeous house and the life of true Victors. Our dream life.'

'I guess we're to thank Katniss.'

'As much as I don't want to, I think you're right.'

Finnick kissed her forehead as she leant her head on his shoulder, readjusting his arm around her. The Hereford girl looked up the veranda to look at her brother and Lyla, smiling as they cuddled up to one another on their own love seat.

'Mummy. Mummy,' Poppy called as she ran over to her parents.

'Yes, Poppet?' She leant forward to look at her child.

'I love you.'

Venus laughed and picked Poppy up, placing her on her lap; 'I love you, too.'

All the children ran over then, climbing all over their parents; careful of Venus' large stomach. Blue snuggled into his father's arms, as Poppy took her mothers's; the twins sitting between them. They sat quietly after that, watching the sunset with the dogs by their feet.


Two Months Later

Venus screamed as she clenched Finnick's hand, the town's doctor encouraging her to keep pushing. And with one final push, the small sound of a baby's cry echoed throughout the room. She let out a gasp of air, her chest heaving as she looked up at her husband with a huge grin.

'I'm so proud of you,' Finnick murmured as he leant down to kiss her sweat covered forehead.

'Here's your little girl,' The nurse smiled as she walked over their their child.

She took the baby into her arms, the pink blanket keeping her warm. She pulled down the blanket around her face a little more, allowing her to see her daughters face more clearly. Venus let out a light gasp as she opened her bright green eyes, her hair a dark brown.

'Fin, look at her, she's gorgeous,' She whispered.

'Beautiful,' He muttered before leaning down to kiss the child's head lightly.

'And a name?' The nurse asked.

The couple looked up at each other, meeting each others eyes.

'Athena,' Finnick nodded; 'Athena Scout.'

'Athena,' Venus whispered down to her child.

The little girl gurgled and chirped, her little fingers wrapping around the edge of the blanket.

'Can I get the kids?' Finnick asked the nurse.

'Sure can,' The woman smiled.

'I'll be right back.'

He kissed her hair again, before running out of the room with a huge grin. Within minutes, the entire Odair clan was running into the room; Tommy following behind them. Blue struggled to get onto the bed, Poppy trying to copy him as the twins just jumped around.

'Mummy!' Blue called; 'Is that my sister?'

'Yeh, baby boy,' She replied as Tommy raised him onto the bed.

'What's her name?'

'Athena Scout Odair.'

'Like your friend that help you with the cows?'

'Yeh, like that Scout.'

Poppy squealed, 'She so cute!'

'Baby,' Ash pointed.

'Yes, Ash, baby. Good boy,' Finnick smiled as he raised his son from the bed and threw him into the air.

Tommy wandered over to his sister and kissed her hair, peaking down at the child in her arms.

'She's beautiful, Ve,' He smiled.

'She is,' Venus replied.

'Mummy, can I hold her?' Blue asked.

'Sure, baby. If you hold your arms like Daddy shows you and you be very careful.'

'Promise, Mummy.'

Finnick adjusted Blue's arms, making him sit properly before he slowly took Athena from his wife's arms; carefully placing her in their son's.

'Now, very careful, no moving around,' He told the little boy.

'Yes, Daddy,' Blue nodded.

'My turn?' Poppy asked.

'After Blue, sweetheart,' Finnick smiled.


The man walked up to stand by his wife then, Tommy moving to stand behind the kids. He took her hand in his, placing a kiss to her knuckles; his eyes never leaving his five beautiful children and his brother in law.

'I love you, Finnick Odair,' Venus' voice spoke softfuly; 'And all of our children.'

'And I love you, Venus Odair and all our children,' He replied before leaning down to kiss her lips.

And that is the end of that :( 

Thank you so much for reading and thank you all so much for all the support you have given me and this book. It really does mean the world to me so thank you xx 

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