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' You can close your eyes to the things
you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart
from the things you don't want to feel. '

It was mid afternoon when Venus Hereford took her felt cowgirl hat off her head, before she wipe her sweaty forehead against the sleeve of her shirt as she pulled her horse to a stop. She placed her hat back on her head and waited patiently for her twelve year old brother as he trotted slowly up on his old mare, cooing softly to her as he did so.

She had told him long ago to put the poor horse out to pasture and she could train up another horse for him, but he simply refused saying Old Sylvia had plenty of miles left in her. She shook her head at the boy before cracking the whip as the cattle in front of her began to slow, clicking at her horse to walk on.

'You know we need to get the herd to the train before Christmas, Tommy,' The girl called over her shoulder.

'Oh shut it, Ve. We're coming,' Tommy shouted back.

She chuckled before kicking her grey gelding into a canter, chasing after the cattle who had gone astray; pushing them back to the herd that walked slowly up the main street of the district, cracking her whip over her head before she let out a loud whistle. After receiving multiple barks in return, she pulled Jackson back to a walk; staying on the cattle now.

The hot sun bit at her skin as she yelled and hollered at the cows to keep them moving forward, her tongue dry as slight dehydration set in. Venus smiled down at her border collies as they appeared in front of her, before they moved to sit beside her as she slowed her horse to a stop.

'Load em up,' She commanded before she whistled quickly twice and earned a bark in reply.

The dogs ran ahead, snapping at the cows heels and barking loudly as she pushed them onto the train carriage; completing the task they had done many times before. Venus glared at her brother as he came up beside, the boy rolling his eyes at her with a huff. He whistled as the last of the cattle moved into the carriage, Pip and Gunner running back towards them.

'You can deal with them today, I've got to head back,' Venus said glumly.

Tommy nodded stiffly knowing what was on his sisters mind, the reaping was tomorrow and he could be pulled from the barrel. He was the only thing she had left beside her horses, the rest of their family having being taking from them by the Capitol and the Games. The boy sighed before he collected the small amount of money from the peacekeeper's hand, turning Sylvia around and kicking her up into a slow canter; following his sister as quickly as he could.

He knew the money in his hand wasn't enough, it never was. With Venus being a Victor, it helped but not a lot; cattle prices these days were low and with calves on the way they needed as much money as they could get. But they would always do their best to keep the cattle healthy and safe because it was what their father would've wanted, and they wanted to do him proud.

The Hereford house was quiet as the siblings untacked their horses out the back, before turning them out with some feed. They shared some small talk as they walked inside, before Venus headed to the kitchen to start lunch while Tommy got a drink and sat at the small table quietly. It was silent as the small amount of food was prepared and as the girl started to fill four bowls, one each for them and the two dogs that sat patiently by the table. As she began filling the last bowl the Panem anthem echoed through the room, causing her to look straight at her brother with wide eyes.

Venus quickly filled the last bowl and set two on the ground for the dogs who ate away at it when they were allowed, before she slowly walked into the next room where Tommy already sat on the tatted lounge with his bowl in his lap. President Snow's face made a burning hatred light in the girls stomach, she hated him. She hated him for what he did to her. For what he did to her family. For what he did to all those innocent children who were killed in the games. President Snow was a cruel, sly man who ruled over everyone because they were scared of him, but his reign would come to an end.

The name Katniss Everdeen was a well known in District Ten, she was loved by everyone; except Venus. Though it didn't mean the eldest Hereford child didn't like what the Girl on Fire had started, in fact she loved it. She wanted part of it. The rebellion, the one that would hopefully end the Games for good; the one that would rid of Snow and all his cruel minions. Venus wanted in because if she saved her brother from the horrible things she saw in the arena, she would die a happy woman.

As she went to think more of the rebellion a voice she dreaded cut of her train of thought, sending a shiver of burning rage down her spine. She glared at the hologram that glowed in the middle of the room, Snow's evil smirk sat upon his lips as his eyes felt like the were looking into her soul.

'Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 75th year of The Hunger Games. And it was written in the charter of The Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol,' Snow spoke monotonously; 'Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 3rd Quarter Quell as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of The Capitol.'

Venus' eyes flickered to her brother before they moved back to the screen as the man continued speaking, 'On this, the 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district.'

'No,' She choked out as she dropped her bowl from shock.

'Venus,' Tommy stood up quickly and sent his own bowl flying across the room before he turned to look at his sister with tears in his eyes.

'Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day; regardless of age, state of health or situation,' The old man's voice echoed through the house.

'No! God, No!' Venus cried.

'He's lying, Ve. He can't take you from me! He can't!' Tommy yelled.

Venus could hardly hear him as she choked out a sob, placing a hand over her mouth as her breathing got heavier. She did the first thing that came to mind, run. The girl sprinted out of the house and into the house paddock where she collapsed, screaming out as she continued to cry. She could hear the faint barks of the dogs from behind her and her brother yelling out to her, but she didn't move. She knelt in the grass, slowing rocking herself back and forth, crying freely as Tommy wrapped his arms around her; his own tears sinking into her shirt.

The brunette couldn't believe it. She was going back. She was going back to the games, something she was told she would never have to face again. The life she had been promised was gone, there was no more luxury and comfort; she was going back to face the thing that still continued to give her nightmares ten years later. Though in a way she was glad it wasn't Tommy that was going in, because she knew she couldn't face watching him get hurt and possibly dying in that arena; but if she was killed he'd be alone. Something she had promised him he would never be.

Slowly Venus calmed down, not entirely but enough where she could comfort her brother. The girl wiped her tears from her eyes and placed a kiss to Tommy's head, wrapping her arms tight around him as he continued to cry. She would keep him safe, she would try to win even if she hadn't trained since she won; she would come back just for her brother. Her heart broke as Tommy looked up at her, tears pooling in his eyes.

'Don't leave me Venus, please. You promised you wouldn't leave me,' He choked out.

'I... I have to Tom. I'm so sorry baby boy. I have no choice,' Venus stuttered.

'Yes you do! We could run away. Get the horses and go. Then we'll both be safe.'

'Oh, Tommy.'

Venus broke down in tears once again, she hugged her brother close to her; knowing in the back of her mind she would be leaving him. Breaking the promise she had made to him after their older sister had died, along with their older brother and Venus' younger sister who was only eight years older then Tommy. She cried harder as Tommy hugged her tighter, more of his own tears pouring down his face as he realised there was no way out of the Games and his sister would be leaving him. But Venus would fight, she would fight with all of her heart if it meant coming home again to look after Tommy. Because he meant more to her then her own life.

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