Demon Dream...Dream Demons?

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A/N-I wrote this like a year back. Man this turned dark, and I was depressed af. The pictures totally don't relate to the story.


=Rin's P.O.V.=

The world I was in was in chaos. It was a dream and I knew that. Still I still responded to it. The land was the same, but instead of humans there were demons. Humans were lined up and sold off as slaves. Some of them killed. It was painful listening to the screams. Tortured screams. I stood off to the side looking at the tall castle way back. Then the demons parted. Revealing me and Satan? Walking together. It was a terrifying sight. What I was most afraid of. The world then faded away.

I was in that endless darkness again. It was lonely and the space was endless. On and on, no way to escape. I reminded me of my life. The darkness started fading into white and I saw blurry shapes of people? I blinked and the darkness faded away leaving me a grayish background.

I looked around interested that I could control my movements. I called out testing my voice. "Hi?" I say and the mystery people turn around to face me. I gasped. They couldn't be humans. On one of them part of their skin was covered in beautiful scales. They glistened in the light. Another one had horns and like the scales were shiny.

All in all they were demons. Right now though I couldn't be bothered. Yukio would yell at me to kill them. Scratch that he wouldn't even let me do anything and lock me up for a moment of hesitation. The amount of trust they have in me is non existent. I saddened at that, but remembered that the demons are still here.

They were staring at me. Tension filled the air. I finally broke it and said, "I'm Rin." All the awkward silence faded away and they introduced themselves. All of them lied. The back of my mind registered this, but it was the first time in a long while that I got to talk to someone. I ignored it. The names they gave me were all from anime. Lelouch, Ciel, heck even Elric. There were five of them.

The hair color ranged from red to even purple. Lawliet had blond hair. There was one part that stuck out, just like Amaimon. Maybe they were related. I should be afraid, or angry. But I couldn't muster the energy to do so. What was there to hate, in the end this would only be a dream.

It was easy to remember since all their personalities were so different. Even though it's only been a couple of hours. I talked and they listened then they told me stories to. I forgot how nice it was to talk to someone beside Kuro and he's a cat. No offense to him though.

I knew I would have to wake up soon. I said goodbye and hopefully they would come in my dreams again to talk.


I shot up out of bed again and realized I slept in again. There was a smile on my face from my dream. Thankfully I made it to school on time. The same aura I used to have came back and I was happy as before. I just hoped that my new friends wouldn't disappear.


It was time for cram school and hesitantly walked in. I was still smiling. Bon roughly pushed by me accidently making me fall over. Typical bullying. Again even the glares couldn't affect me now. I tried to listen to Yukio's explanation, but I failed. It was sad that everyone was ignoring me. In fact today was worse because a lot of people mostly Bon and his friends were weirded out by my smile.



Like before I was in endless darkness. And I knew that they would come. So I sat there waiting for them to come. I hoped in my heart they wouldn't leave me all alone. I didn't know how time worked there. Maybe it's been minutes or hours, but the only thought running through my head was, they weren't coming. I felt depressed. Even if I only talked to them I was in a fragile state of mind.

I crouched down. The darkness was suffocating. Not being able to see or feel anything. Nothing. That night I had no dream. None of mention. It was actually peaceful despite feeling like I've been left behind again.


I don't think anyone noticed that my mood went from happy to sad. Or more likely they didn't care. Who would care. Fuck them. I hate them. Inside my head I rant about all the problems they put me through. It's a long list. Still I want to be appreciated by them. I want their love.

My mood is going back and forth a lot. I need to calm myself. Closing my eyes I stare at that endless darkness again. Dark, dark, darkness. Scary Darkness.



All alone.

What a state I'm stuck in.

-Next Day-

I went through the day in a zombie like trance. The same old things. I sat down and stared. I got yelled at. Thought of suicide creep in settling in my thought. I wondered why it bothered to be left by strangers. I guessed I just couldn't take the rejection.

It was time to take action. I went home and searched around for a thick rope. Not surprisingly I found old rope that was used to bind demons. Kuro seemed to hang around me more and asked me what I was doing. I replied with the same lie.

Yukio was there that day so I couldn't kill myself. I wanted it to end quicker though. I thought about cutting, but blood made me nauseous. I couldn't even if I wanted to die I can't stare at blood. It was a bright red. Red and suffocating.


It was dark and I moved to the shower and it struck me. Drowning was an option. I turned on the bath and locked the bathroom door even if I knew that Yukio used the other bathroom. I sank down in the bathtub letting myself go. The water filled up slowly. It rose and reached me. I let sleep consume.

Falling back into the darkness was relaxing. In reality I knew that I was drowning and choking. The water probably flowing out. I moved around the endless darkness of my dreams. Then a bright flash and the demons I met a couple days ago appeared. I stared at them surprised. My eyes widened. The demon or fragments of my imagination told me not to die. Even if I knew they were probably just my subconscious I was glad that someone cared.

I woke up to stare at Kuro's face. I noticed that the water was off. I knew who did it. Are you okay? I wondered how I should answer Kuro's question. The normal lie was stuck in my throat. "No" I say. The tears were coming down and Kuro nuzzled my arm. I whispered a "thank you." To Kuro and off to bed I went. Yukio was once again sleeping soundly as I creeped to my bed with Kuro in my arms. Laying down Kuro I went to sleep. The darkness gobbled me up quickly.

I looked around and saw the demons. I stared at them and they stared back. They started hugging me, it was warm and kind. The tears poured out. Everything that I held back. Some part of me kept saying that I was talking to my imagination, but I wanted it to be real. Words came gushing out about how unfair life was. They were silent and kept of hugging me and listened. My face was red and disgusting.

"It's okay." Elric said. He patted my head and I felt more tears waiting to come out. "Just let it all out." Lelouch hugged me too. "We're here for you." I couldn't help, but believe them even if they weren't real, even if they were demons.


It was nice. I left again. To school and for the first time in a while I felt light and happy.

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