Chapter 10

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****Mckenzie's P.O.V.****

When I woke up hayes had his head on my chest so I had to get up slowly. After I got hayes off of me I went down stairs to see if breakfast was ready cause it was 9:45 but there was no breakfast and the only boys that were here were. Matthew,Taylor,cameron,Shawn,and sleeping hayes. I asked the guys were the other guys were and he said looking for there own house to share and I said oh ok. I told Shawn that I was hungry but he told me to grab an apple,so I did. I ate the apple then I went up stairs to wake up hayes,hayes looked so cute sleeping. I walked over to hayes and tickled him until he got up.

Why did you tickle me?!? He said

I said because he needed to get up so he can fix his own breakfast.

He said ok.

Then we went down stairs and he looked for something to eat and he ended up eating grapes. He said he was going to get dressed when he was done eating and I said I was to.

I went upstairs and picked out a shirt that had a picture of Matthew on it (Matthew got it for her birthday) and shorts with some sandals,then I went into my bathroom and I straightened my hair then put a bandana on with some makeup. I went down stairs to see if we had any plans today and the guys said that they were thinking about going swimming In the backyard and Matthew said that he had his girlfriend coming over today(This will be her first time meeting matts gf).

****Hayes P.O.V.****

I walked down stairs cause I just got done getting dressed and doing my hair.when I got down stairs Matt said that his girlfriend was coming over to meet Mckenzie and swim with us. Since were going swimming I went back up stairs to change in to my swimming trunks. When I got back downstairs I saw that Mckenzie had already gone upstairs and changed to,she was wearing a strapless neon orange bikini top with neon orange bikini bottoms. Since all of us were dressed all we had to do was wait on Hannah Matts gf to come, and she said that she was bringing Taylor's gf jordyn over to swim with us to.

***30 minutes later***

****Taylor's P.O.V.****

I heard a nock at the door and said that I would get it,as I opened the door I saw Hannah and jordyn. Hannah was wearing a purple strapless bikini and jordyn was wearing a pink bikini and might I say she looked fine😏. After I stopped staring at jordyn. I got in the pool along with hayes and jordyn.

****Matt's P.O.V.****

When I saw Hannah in that bikini, I couldn't stop staring until she said

" Staring is rude you know "

Then I picked her up and gave her a piggy back ride over to Mckenzie and Hannah introduced herself.

H=Hannah m=Mckenzie

H=hi I'm Hannah,matts girlfriend!

M= hi I'm Mckenzie Cameron's daughter and hayes girlfriend!

After they introduced their selves I picked up Hannah again and threw her in the pool, but then she yelled MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA I WILL GET YOU BACK!!!!!! It was hilarious, because she thinks she can get me back.

****Jordyn's P.O.V.****

I was swimming in the pool when I saw Hannah get thrown in by Matthew it was hilarious! When I finally stopped laughing I went to get out of the pool and sit out so I could tan. When I was tanning I felt the sun being blocked so I opened my eyes and saw Taylor just standing there. I told him to move but he wouldn't so then I asked him if he could at least sit down on the chair next to me so he won't be blocking the sun,and he did. When my stomach,legs,arms,and face were done tanning I got up and checked the time it said 7:46PM so I walked over to Taylor and told him I had to go but he asked me if I could stay the night and I said yes.

****Hannah's P.O.V.****

I got out of the pool and told Matthew that I was leaving but he said "Noooooo I want you to stay" so I told him that I would stay the night,then he hugged me because he was so happy. After he stopped hugging me I told Matthew that I was going to go home to get some clothes and he said ok. Before I left I found out that my bestie aka Jordyn was spending the night so I asked her if she needed me to take her to her house for clothes and she said yes.

* Skip car ride*

We got our clothes and headed back home to change we asked Mckenzie if we could use get room to change in and she said yes. I changed in the bathroom while jordyn changed in the room. After we were done getting dressed we went down stairs and I told matthew that I was bored and he said what do you wanna do? And I said let's watch a movie! He asked me what movie and I said grown ups 2 he put the movie in and I popped popcorn while he got blankets out. The popcorn was finished and the blankets were out . Matthew started the movie and I cuddled next to him while I looked over I saw that jordyn was asleep on Taylor's lap. I saw Mckenzie and hayes come down stairs they sat on the couch and cuddled it was so cute! When it was about 1 hour into the movie I told Matthew that I was tired so he said let's go up stairs.(Taylor, hayes,and Mckenzie fell asleep on the couch's) when I got upstairs I asked Matt where I was going to sleep and he said with me and I said ok. So we went into his room and I layed on his bed while he layed down playing with my hair, when I started to fall asleep I heard Matthew say I love you Hannah.


I hope you liked this chapter💕and sorry if there is any spelling mistakes.


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