Chapter 7

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****Mckenzie's P.O.V.****

I woke up to all of the guys down stairs saying that they want to go to the fair ,I ran down stairs saying I wanna go to!!!!! They all said ok we will go after breakfast. I said yayyy!!! Then I ran up stairs to make my bed and then get dressed I was wearing a top that said kiss me on it and shorts with flats and a beanie in my hair with loose curls.

After I got dressed I walked down stairs and went to the table to eat. We were having chocolate chip muffins and pancakes.when all of us ate our breakfast we all went to the car I was sitting next to hayes.

****Hayes P.O.V.****

When we got in the car I ended up sitting by Mckenzie which I was happy about cause I like her she is sweet ,beautiful,and funny. Nash turned on the radio and I heard her song and I told her that she has a beautiful voice and that maybe her and Shawn can sing together at the next magcon!

****Mckenzie's P.O.V.****

Hayes told me that I have a beautiful voice and that also maybe Shawn and I could sing together at the next magcon!

When we finally got to the fair the guys bought us the bracelet things so we can ride any ride we want(we have security guards with us just incase you were wondering)hayes asked me if I wanted to ride some rides with him and I said yes but first let me ride some with the other guys and he said ok.

After I road some rides with Matt,cameron,Nash ,Taylor,Shawn,Aaron ,and the jacks, I went to go ride some with hayes. We road some roller coasters,normal rides,and last we road the Ferris wheel. At the top of the Ferris wheel it stopped and hayes put his arm around me and then I put my head on his shoulder , when I do that hayes looks at me and gave me this heart necklace and then he said

Mckenzie Ann Dallas will you be my girlfriend?

I sat there shocked but then I answered withs happy yes! Then he kissed me and after he kissed the Ferris wheel started to go again and then we got of and met the boys so we could go home.we all got In the car.

*Skip car ride*

We all got home and by now it was 10:45 so I went upstairs and took a shower. When I was in the shower I started to sing shower by Becky G. When I got out of the shower I got dressed in some pj shorts and a t-shirt,after I was dressed I went down stairs to hug everyone and tell them goodnight. Then I went back up stairs and saw hayes in my bed cause he wanted to stay in my room that night so I said he could stay in my room for tonight. I got in my bed and layed next to hayes and he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer than he kissed me on the lips. Right when I said good night hayes he said good night Mckenzie I love you,when I heard hayes say I love you I said I love you to hayes,then we both fell asleep.💕


I hope you liked it💘 ( it erased 3 times so ya I had to re-do it 3 times😒)

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