Courage and Fidelity

Start from the beginning

I get up from my seat and swing the door open to reveal the bright blue summer sky. Isabella's helicopter had flown up from below us and remained parallel to ours. I watch as the door facing our helicopter open to reveal the girl next door, holding her paintball rifle in her right hand, her hair tied into a ponytail, her beautiful face left uncovered. One of her teammates (I think it was Ginger, I couldn't tell, they had the gas mask on) was sitting down to her right, holding a coil of rope. Isabella locked eyes with me and smiled and I smile back.

"One minute to LZ!"

I look down at the empty Amphitheater below, the platform completely open.

"Horowitz, rope!" I yell towards Balthazar over the rotors.

"On it!" He exclaimed, grabbing the rope and sitting beside my foot.

"Thirty seconds!"

All of a sudden, I hear Balthazar scream and stutter like crazy. I look at him, and notice a huge blot of red paint on his torso.

He's been hit.

I quickly peer down at the Amphitheater and see three soldiers on the ground firing towards our helicopters.

"Heads up! Hostiles 6'0 clock low!" I exclaim, taking up my rifle and firing down towards the three man party, "Irving get a bandage on Balthazar, Adyson get on the MG and eighty-six those scouts!"

"Yessir!" They both exclaim.

I continue to fire off my rifle, managing to hit one of them, sending him into the bleachers, vibrating like a cell phone.

"One hostile down!" I exclaim. Then I turn to see a Adyson firing off the Mk2, driving away the last two soldiers, who were immediately shot in the back just before they disappeared into the woods. I look up to see Isabella holding her rifle in the direction of the soldiers, and even from where I was standing, I could see her face, a mix of steely determination, joyous excitement, and something else I couldn't quite pinpoint, plastered on her face. She looks at me and flashes a thumbs up.

I nod and turn to the pilot.

"Landing Zone is clear, Jeffrey," I yell to the pilot, "take her down!"

I felt the helicopter shift down and saw the ground grow closer.

"Rope! Rope!" I exclaim.

I watch as Holly hook the rope to the helicopter floor and kick the coil off the helicopter, unravelling as it fell to the ground.

"Rope deployed!" Holly saluted.

"Right. Irving, how's Balthazar doing?"

"Clean and bandaged, sir, he's combat ready!" Irving said, lifting Balthazar off the floor of the helicopter.

I nod and quickly peer towards Isabella's helicopter. I watch as her squad slid down the ropes.

"Go! Go! Go!"

One by one, the troops slid down the ropes and hit the ground. I watch as they crouch close to the rope, securing the ground below. Before long, I was the only person in the passenger's hatch.

"It's just you, Euclid, go!" The pilot exclaimed.

I nod and slide down the rope. I watch as the ground grew closer and closer until I touch the concrete.

"We're all set here, drop the ropes and get out of here!"

"Affirmative, good luck down there!" I hear the pilot's voice affirm.

I watch as the ropes drop onto the ground and the helicopter turn away towards home.

Lt. Commander Isabella Garcia Shapiro: Callsign Venus 2-2
92nd Aerial Quick Reaction and Assault Strike Team/ 53rd Advance Force Recon Regiment

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