"Hey, you're done already?" I ask, acting clueless.

"Actually, Sung/jee wants you to come outside." Yoongi says.

I don't say anything but instead nod.

When Yoongi and I get outside Sung-jee smiles at me.

"Thanks for coming out." She says.

"What is this about?" Yoongi asks, his eyes shifting from Hoseok to her.

"I came to talk but I think y/n and Hoseok should talk too." She says.

"Absolutely not." Yoongi says instantly without a second to spare.

"Come on Yoongi, don't be a dick." Hoseok says and Yoongi clenches his jaw.

"Really, it's fine. They need to talk just as we do. They have history, Wether you like it or not." Sung-jee says and her words clearly upset Yoongi even more.

"It'll Be Okay." I say softly as I grab Yoongi's arm gently.

He looks down at me and sighs.

"Fine." Yoongi says.

I give him a soft smile before looking towards Hoseok.

"I guess come on in." I say.

Hoseok looks at Sung-jee then at Yoongi before walking over to me.

"If you try anything I'll kill you." Yoongi says through gritted teeth.

I slide my hand down Yoongi's arm before guiding Hoseok inside.

As awkward as this was, I knew we needed to finally talk.


Once Hoseok and I get inside I guide him over to the couch and we sit down.

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

Hoseok looks down at me and shrugs.

"The only reason I'm here is because Sung-jee wanted me to be. Something about apologizing and giving you closure?" Hoseok says, looking uninterested.

"So then you're not here on your own free will. You're only here because Sung-jee wanted you to be?" I ask.

"Pretty much."

I scoff at his reply.

"Even until the very end you're still a dick." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"What did you expect, y/n? That I would come in here and apologize? For what? What have I done wrong? You wanted to have sex with me, you always came back. That's on you, not me." Hoseok says, his voice somewhat irritated.

"You're a dick." I say through my teeth.

"Look at yourself. You slept with me and lead me to believe that you liked me. Now you're fucking your best friend." Hoseok hisses.

"You don't know anything. I did fucking like you Hoseok! Why do you think I always came back. I thought maybe you liked me too and that you would change, Yet you never did. You always stayed the same. You won't ever change. You'll always be an asshole who treats girls like they're just something you can use for sex. You're disgusting." I say, my jaw clenched.

"How can I change when every girl I care for even remotely leaves me for Yoongi!" Hoseok yells, his voice deep and angry.

My eyebrows furrowed as I stared at him, taken back.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You don't understand anything, y/n. I never use to be like this. I was so respectful to girls and I knew how to care." Hoseok says, his voice becoming softer.

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