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Everyone fell silent as they waited for Yoongi to answer.

"If I said I do, would you leave her alone?"

"That's quite the bluff, my friend. Sadly for you, no, I wouldn't." Hoseok says as he moves his arm and leans forward.

Yoongi seemed to get even angrier at his answer.

"Come on y/n, let's go." Yoongi says as he stands.

"You barley ate though." I say as I point to his plate.

He looks at Hoseok as he walks to my side.

"I lost my appetite." He says as he tugs at the fabric of my sweater.

"Let's go." He says again and I look over at Hoseok who's sitting there with his arms crossed over his chest.

The others sat there, watching everything play out.

No one said a word.

I don't say anything as I follow Yoongi out.

In the process of walking out I hear Hoseok say something I hoped Yoongi hadn't heard.

"I'll text you later, baby."


The car ride home was silent.

I could practically see the steam coming off of him.

"You good b?" I ask.

Wrong question.

Don't poke the bear.

"Of course I'm not good! He's only doing this because he knows I don't want him near you. He knows you're too innocent and he wants to take that innocence away. This is what he does, this is who he is!" Yoongi steams, his voice loud.

"He isn't-"

"You don't know anything about him, y/n! He isn't a sweet person. He's a pig when it comes to girls!" Yoongi says, cutting me off.

I was taken back by his words.

Sure, Hoseok was a bit straight forward and persistence but he didn't seem like a bad guy.

"I understand you want to protect me Yoongi but you're getting too overprotective. I know we have rules but they were made when we were really young. Should they really still apply? You can gladly date one of my friends because as long as you're happy, I'm happy." I say.

"I don't want to date your friends, y/n. I want you to respect our rules, regardless if they're from years ago or not." Yoongi says.

The anger in his words pierced right through me.

I fall silent as I look out window.

"I'm just looking out for you, y/n. I'm doing this because I care about you. If I didn't I wouldn't be so set on keeping you away from Hoseok. Can you please just trust me and listen to what I'm saying?" Yoongi says, his voice becoming softer.

I bite my bottom lip and take in his words.

"What's so bad about him?" I ask, my voice low.

"Huh?" Yoongi asks, glancing over at me slightly.

"What's so bad about Hoseok? You're so clear with telling me how horrible he is so what's wrong with him? Why is he a pig?" I ask, my voice growing a bit louder.

Yoongi tightens his grip on his steering wheel, his knuckles changing in color.

"Huh?" I ask, pushing it further.

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