Gym routine idea

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Hello, guys. Just wanted to share this with you.

Warm up - spend 5 minutes doing whatever warm up you like, running, skipping, anything that will get your muscles warm. 

Once you have warmed up, find a nice open space to do some body weight work. 

Then do this circuit 3 times, with a 30 second rest in between each set. 

Squats x 10 

Split Squats x 10 (each leg) 

Jumping Lunge x 10 

Rest 1 minute 

Then head into the weights room. It might seem a bit strange to be using weights to lose weight, but it is a great way. 

Find a bench and get a set of light dumbbells, and complete this circuit twice. 

Dumbbell Chest Press x 15 
Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 12 
Dumbbell Bicep Curl x 15 
Rest 1 minute. 

Next is the cardio. 

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