
I looked up at him in surprise, so did my mom, and Preston. " No, I'm not going to listen to you, because you're just gonna go back to that idea of studying Music, again. You and I both know that's not what you want."

" It IS what I want! WHY can't you just let me do what I want to do, for a change?!" my tone had risen a little.

"Because you're a STUPID TEENAGER!" he'd lost his top. He was screaming. I didn't like it. "You don't know what's right for you and you never will! Studying music will get you nowhere, Aubrey! NOWHERE! It's unpredictable and rubbish! You're gonna get absolutely nothing in life and then you're gonna regret it and tell me that I was right all this time! So can we just skip that part and do what's right?! You're stupid and INDECISIVE right now! I am not discussing this further! Now go back to your room!"

"I want to study music! The point isn't for me to get anywhere! The point is that I stay happy! And if I do become a doctor, I'll probably be terrible at it and won't understand it and hate my life and do something to myself no doctor or surgeon or anyone could heal!"

My mom snapped her head back to look at me when I said that, shock plastered on her face while my dad stood before me, raging. Preston, however looked at me with respect, a smile tugging at his lips, his eyes telling me to let it all out. Sometimes, I loved the guy.

"You will do as I say and thank me later! Mark my words! This family does NOT need another humiliation! I won't have two kids ruining my lives and talking about me and my family the way they do! DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH YOUR LIFE!" I flinched at that, knowing he was talking about Preston. My brother wasn't the smartest of people, but was beyond amazing at the football field. It was like his dream to pursue the sport. Like, literally his dream. Needless to say, my dad hadn't approved. But Preston didn't care. He was used to insults from my dad.

"NOW YOU GET TO. YOUR. ROOM! We're not discussing this ANY further! Do you get me? You need to improve your grades and that's that."

I didn't say anything to him, but just stood there, blinking my eyes, trying to believe I was actually fighting with him as if we had family problems. My thoughts wandered back to the Happy Dad Day, recalling how this dad was so different from that one. He'd been happy, and hadn't made me feel like I needed to spend every waking moment to live up to his expectations.

My dad's angry voice pushed me out of Memory Lane and I fell out, shocked and stumbling. My eyes snapped back to his own, rage-filled, icy ones, "Do you GET ME, Aubrey?!"

I opened my mouth to scream and shout and protest, but words refused to escape my mouth. Then something hit me. Maybe it was because he insulted Preston, or because he cared about his reputation more than he did his kids, or maybe because he thought that we didn't need to be happy, or all of the above, but I knew that the person standing in front of me wasn't my dad. He wasn't the Happy Dad who'd told little Aubrey to be herself and do what she wanted and bought her ice cream. No, this was someone else. Someone I wasn't familiar with, and refused to call my dad. He wasn't my dad, just a pathetic human being. Tears filled my eyes at this prospect and I barely whispered a "Yeah.." before running out the main door.

"Oh, great." Preston's voice was dripping with disgust. "Thanks so much, whoever you are." and he followed me out.

I walked out, and tried to keep my shit together as Preston stepped out behind me. 

"You okay?" he asked as soon as he crept out.

You know how it's said that when you're upset and people ask you if you're okay, you lose it immediately? Well, that didn't happen. Here's what did happen:

Preston: You okay?

Me: No.

And then I lost it. Original or what?

I didn't even bother to bury my face into my hands and shit, just stood there with my arms by my sides, crying with my face up. Tears rolled down my cheeks as if it were their job (well, it kinds is their job, but anyways) and I didn't do anything to prevent them from doing so.

Preston gripped my shoulders with both his hands and shook me slightly, "Hey, listen to me. He's being an asshole lately, okay? You've gotta stay cool and not give a shit. Just please, stop crying, because he isn't worth it."

I nodded, still sobbing. "I'm getting out, you know, cool off." I'm surprised I managed to say that.


That's all the approval I needed. I turned around and left as Preston went back into the house.

I realized I didn't know where to go. Troye and Tiara lived the closest out of the four, but they wouldn't be home at this time, especially on a Friday. Mel and Dean lived too far to be reached instantly on foot, so only one option left. Yep Jaden.

I stepped towards his house, walking slowly, wiping my tears as I did, trying to look as presentable as I could. Then I realized it was hopeless and gave up. The thought that I'd never been to his house before, never met his moms, didn't even know their names, and that it was possible they didn't know me, struck my head a million times in the two minute walk from my house to his. Nevertheless, I kept walking.


A/N: Hey! So! Tenth Chapter!!!!! We reached double digits!!!!! :D :D 

Meet Aubrey's wonderful family! I know this chapter's kinda sad and all, but I had to leave it at that because adding the whole part with her and Jaden was making it too long! So, yeah, that's gonna be in the next chapter. 

Also, I'm sorry I didn't update faster, but my Wattpad was screwing with me (long story) and stuff, but it's back to normal now!

On another note, I read this really really really good book on Wattpad called MY WATTPAD LOVE. It's really really really good. Everything about it's just so.....aaaah...amazing!! Even the guy's NAME is hot! Like, really! Even the frikin NAME! You want me to tell you? OK! It's Evan. Yep, Evan. Hot name or what!? Bonus feature: The book has a sequel that is currently in progress! IT HAS A SEQUEL!!! So, yeah. Go read it! 

That's about it, I guess! If you wanna show some appreciation, criticize, drop in an idea, ask anything...COMMENT beeelow! Other than that, vote, share and keep reading! 

Hope you liked this chapter! See ya! 



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