Straight in a Crooked World by Bianca

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Title: Straight in a Crooked World

Author: (Wattpad name or your real name): Bianca

Rating: Pg-13

Genre: Teen Fiction/Romance/Watty Awards 2012

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Little Description: The world as we see it...or maybe it should be the gays as we see them! In a world where the population is prominently gay heterosexuality can cause conflicts. It did for these two! A nobody at Solae High - Jason suddenly finds himself the center of unwanted attention when the people of his world find out his preference! Unbeknownst pulled to an old friend- Ashlia and her to him...these to find themselves against the world of homosexuals. As if life was easy with Mason bullying Jason to no ends he now had to suffer the scrutiny of his friends and classmates for choosing someone inappropriate? But was it really? Pushed against a wall with no way to escape these two teenagers stand to fight back for the person they love and who love them back just the same...but will they succeed?

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