Motochika Chosokabe.

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The hardest part of a story is the beginning. It's hard to write and hard to understand. Everything is just there and a lot of times, it's not explained until later. Sometimes it is not remembered.

This is where I stand, in the 'not remembered'. I can't seem to recall how it came to be. Yet, I'm not complaining, no I'm quite happy on the pirate ship.

Bright light of the moon shines down across the deck of the ship as I wander to the side. Dark waves crash against battered wood, creating pretty white foam like water to wash at the side. The smell of open water swirls up my nose as I watch the glistening sea.

"What brings you up top, lass?" a deep voice asked behind me.

"Oh, nothing." I mumbled.

"I don't think that's the truth." He proclaimed.

"And if it's not, Demon of Shikoku?" I inquired.

"I'll have to throw you overboard." He joked.

"Oh, I'm so scared." I chuckled.

The laughter died down and my eyes wandered back to the sea. Some carp jumped out of the water a ways from the ship, leaving little splashes to ripple through the deep blue. It caused a smile to grace my lips, something frequent at this time of night.

"You know, you don't have to call me Demon of Shikoku." He offered.

"I know, Motochika." I mumbled, still looking out to sea.

"You don't call me aniki either." Motochika whispered sadly.

"I can not call you what you are not to me." I told lowly.

"What am I, then? Another man aboard a ship?" He questioned.

"Another man aboard a ship, another being who does not grip, another's unreachable lip." I mused.

"Unreachable lip?" He wondered, turning his head to me.

"I think as long as you've known me you'd know by now I'm not the one to make the first move." I replied.

"So, you've just been waiting for me to do something?" Motochika asked.

"So it would seem." I declared.

Calloused hands slid across thinly covered hips, tightly pulling them close. My back fell flush against bare chest as his face buried in my neck, leaving a tingling sensation to erupt wherever he touched.

Slowly I pulled out of his grip and away from his lips. Motochika gave me a confused look as I turned to him, shaking my head. I took the step forward, wrapping my arms around the captain. Eyes closed and for a bit, his heart moved faster than the waves as his arms embraced me.

The beginning may be the hardest but the end is the sweetest.

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