Chapter Eight: Kidnapping

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The morning sun shone in the young monster's eyes, forcing him to wake up. His dull eyes were small and shaking... Scared... He sighed in relief when he saw that there was nothing wrong with his room nor that there was an unwanted guest.

Taking his time, he went to his parents' room. He wanted to make sure they were still alright. He didn't know really why though, just something was pulling him to check on them.

He knocked softly, waiting for them to call to him or even groan in annoyance... Nothing... Just unsettling silence...

"Mommy? Daddy?" He muttered, his bright eyes looking up at the door knob.

Nothing once again.

Becoming annoyed, he opened the door, thinking he was going to wake up his stubborn parents! Yet, a scream left his mouth as he stumbled back! His eyes were wide with terror and tears! H-How could t-this have h-happened?!

Blood and tinted dust littered the floor of the room, ripped and shredded fabrics that once were his parents sleep wear laying about with the blood and dust. The forms of bodies that PJ saw the night prior were ripped open stuffed animals and pillows! There were bone attacks, fallen strings and ink everywhere! The once perfect wallpaper was seemingly torn from the wall itself, the walls even bearing a few misfired bone attacks! The room just looked like a battle ground!

The child sobbed loudly as calm footsteps ascended the staircase. He didn't know what to do! W-Who would've do-done this anyway!

"Jammy?" A voice the boy so dearly wanted to hear called out, pulling him into a hug.

The body that held the child was warm and inviting. It secretly promised to help him forget all the bad things that had happened in that room. It was such a familiar hug, that Jam couldn't help but cling to them.

"I-I'm s-sorry... I-I d-didn't want t-this to h-happen..." The young child continued to cry, their tears wetting the older monster's shirt. "T-They d-didn't d-deserve this..." He sobbed, whimpering quietly.

"Sshh... It's going to be okay... It's going to be alright..." The white monster soothed, petting the youngling's head.

For a couple of minutes, the two just sat there... Fresh trying to calm the inky monster down... And Paperjam trying to get his breathing under control.

When those few minutes came to an end, the white skeleton let the child go, walking into the murder scene. PJ cringed as he watched his friend look through his Fallen parents' things.

The pale skeleton came back a with two items; a light brown scarf with rainbow paint stains and a black jacket with dark blue fluff around it. Both items were worn often by the child's parents... 

"Come on, let's go back home." The white monster whispered, pulling both items on the saddened child. 

Jammy nodded, moving to stand up, but he was quickly picked up. Sniffling some, he wrapped his arms and legs around the older monster, clinging to them.

"It's okay... I got you." He mumbled, nuzzling the young one's cheek. 

Fresh walked out the back off the house quickly, knowing that the police would be there in a few more minutes. He didn't know that his little Jammy could scream that loudly. To be honest, he was quiet impressed, though he had hoped the child didn't find the scene till later.

Paperjam had stopped crying when he heard something. The noise was a bit soft since they were a bit into the forest, but they sounded a lot like... Sirens.

That was when it clicked.

His eyes widen as he instantly began to fight the monster holding him. Fresh killed them! He murdered his parents in cold blood! He was the only one there! He was the only one who kept him from his parents longer than he should've!

"LET ME GO! PUT ME DOWN!" He shouted, kicking the older skeleton in the sternum. 

The kick surprised the older monster as he accidently dropped the one thing he cared about to catch his breath. That kick had a good amount of strength behind it.

PJ jumped back up quickly and ran. His small legs pushing against their usual speeds. He wanted to get away from the monster that ruined his life! How could they do that to him!?

Surprisingly, he saw his house quickly. His parents were killed in that house and he could see the flashing red and blue lights, but seeing it filled his soul with joy! He was going to be safe from older monster! The police would be able to protect him!

Yet, before he could even make it there, before he could even get another step closer, Fresh yanked him back by the long scarf he was wearing. This momentarily choked the child, but it didn't stop him from trying to scream for help.

"NO! SOMEONE HE-" Paper struggled in Fresh's grasp, hoping for someone to hear him, but the brown scarf was forced into his mouth, successfully gagging him!

The child tried to punch and kick, but the long sleeves of his father's jacket were used to tie his arms behind his back! The boy went to pull out of the jacket, but it was zipped up and he was thrown over the monster's shoulders without a moments hesitation!

"Stop struggling... I don't want to hurt you." Fresh muttered, keeping a firm hold on the young one. 

Paperjam ignored the monster who he thought was his friend, and started to thrashing around. He wanted to go home! He wanted his mother and father! He wanted to see them again!

The witch growled softly as he slowly started to lose patience for the struggle. He wouldn't hurt the child too much, only when they do something bad and only a reasonable amount of hurting. 

Quickly, he brought his hand down on the young one's echo formed hind. The squeak of pain escaped the child as he whimpered softly.

That... That was the first time Fresh had ever hurt him... It scared the child. He didn't want that again... 

"Good... I don't want to hurt you, Jammy, but I will if it means that you'll learn something." The witch told the child, his voice softening.

He understood what he was doing... He understood that it was all wrong, but he didn't care. The child was his now. That's all he cared about. The child was his and his alone.

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