Chapter Seventeen: Snowy Day

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"Wow!" Jam shouted, giggling happily as he rushed to the large snow mounds.

Fresh laughed some as he allowed the child to jump into the snow, smiling. He didn't have to worry about the child running off as he knew the child would have no where to go, plus they were miles away from anyone.

Jam giggled some as he felt himself being covered in the cold snow. He missed this feeling.

He then popped out of the snow and ran around, letting his puppy chase after him. He then smirked a bit, ducking behind a large tree.

The parasite had seen that smirk and frowned some. Was Jammy actually going to try and run away?

"Jammy?" He called out, slowly marching over to where the child was. He didn't want to loose them, not when they were getting so close again! "Jammy, why-"

Suddenly something cold and compacted smacked him in the face. It didn't take him long to realize it was snow.

"Oh?" He glared at the kid who's smirk had yet to change. "You're on~"

The child squealed before rushing off to find some naturally made fort. The two laughed though, gathering snow to throw at each other. Most snowballs flew past each other, but the ones that did hit caused more laughter.

Paper then stood up and ran away, still laughing loudly. He had forgotten where he was and who he was with. At the moment, he was just an eight year old playing with a friend and his puppy. 

The witch grinned happily as he jumped up and started to chase the child around. They felt their soul grow and fill with love and happiness. It felt as if all bad deeds were forgotten.

This peaceful moment ended when the child bumped into a large leg. He fell into the snowy ground with a soft grunt.

Incobux yipped softly, jumping around Paperjam to see if he was hurt. The child smiled some to the puppy, gently petting their head.

"What the hell?" A gruff voice growled out, grabbing the young skeleton's attention.

It was a human man with large, burly arms and tree trunk like legs. They held this annoyed, angry face that had a yellow tint because of the vest they were wearing.

"S-Sorry..." The child whispered, quickly moving to their feet to run away.

Before he could, the man grabbed the kid's arm in a rough hold.

"No, how did you get in here? Why didn't the gate stop you?" He growled out. "You damn brats, you thought that just because it was lunch that everyone would be gone, didn't you!" The human got louder, making the puppy to start growling at the man.

The man glared at the dog, quickly kicking it away with his hard work boots. Inco yelped loudly, whimpering as they laid on their side.

Paperjam cried out, quickly trying to go to his puppy, but the cruel human yanked on his arm to keep him still.

"Shut up! Quiet your crying, you mangy brat!" The man spat, the tiny child quickly breaking into tears.

Sure, PJ knew magic, but he hadn't been yelled at in so long that it hurt him... He felt scared. He didn't understand what the man was talking about nor why they was yelling at him.

"M-Mr. F-Fresh!" He cried out, trying to pull away from the mean human, who still was yelling at him.

Suddenly, his arm was released, the child falling onto the cool snow. Through his sobbing, he heard what sounded gagging and choking. He didn't open his tear filled eyes, still crying and whining.

"Jammy!" A warm voice called out, arms quickly wrapping around the shaking child.

Fresh checked the child for any wounds. There thankfully only seemed to some bruising on the child's arm.

"Jack!" A new voice cried out, causing the witch to look to it.

It was a thin goat monster, who quickly ran to the dying human. Fresh said that he wouldn't hurt anyone unless Paper left him or someone tried to take him away. Hurting the child was one of the little clauses or loopholes in the promise.

The goat then looked up to Fresh, who had a disgusted look on his face.

"W-What's wrong with you?" They shouted, quickly fumbling to pull out their phone. "Why aren't you calling help?" They hissed, pressing the emergency call number.

The pale skeleton scoffed, gently picking up his little one.

"You people shouldn't even be here." He growled lowly.

The goat monster ignored him, quickly telling the person on the other line where they were and the situation. They thankfully didn't exaggerate, but did ask for police for some "trespassers".

Jam was still crying, not as much as before, but that was mainly because he was becoming tired. Which was good for Fresh. He knew that the little one would try to plead with him to not kill off the damn goat monster, but he had to. He was also trying to take the little one away.

"You shouldn't have done that." He hissed, his eyes flashing behind the dark sunglasses.

The goat monster grunted, telling the operator that he was being threatened. However, before he could give a description, he started gagging and coughing harshly. His phone fell into the snow, the monster falling to his hands, one of which was going to his throat.

Fresh smirked as he summoned a few tentacles. They were very colorful, but they had sharp points at the end and were creepily thin.

The goat monster and 'Jack' stared at him with wide eyes. The pale skeleton before them look like something from a horror movie and they were the first idiots to die.

"I told you, you people shouldn't be here. This is my territory~"

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