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they are what made up most of the dimension jumpers, Misfits, are people who aren't...suppose to exist. How do we know, well, they start to disappear at a certain point if they stay in that dimension, Like they weren't suppose to be there in the first place...Misfits are very hard to find in a universe, cause rarely there is a.....mistake...

starting to not exist, is one of the signs of being a misfit. Another is being different, by being different, I mean WAY different. Like your the only person in the whole entire world that can talk to animals or the only walking lizard or something. This is a hard sign, cause usually, many people don't know what they can do and don't really show it or that there multiple people in the dimension that are very different, but their supposed to exist. Like super man for example.

Another is glitching, the universe starts to become, unbalanced with someone who is not supposed to be there, so the misfit starts to glitch. It may be just spasms some times, but sometimes, it turns into some delete code, where the misfit, ceases to exist, gone forever. It can happen at any age, earliest we've encountered starting at two years...

That's pretty much all we know to spot a misfit, except with somebody reading all the character code in a universe and finds someone not on it. That's the most logical and accurate way, But that takes a while....even if a robot is doing it....

If they leave the dimension their in and go into another one, that makes them piratically exist again, as the worlds code transfers a new being into their worlds, doesn't work 100% of the time and the person may just disappear at the spot...but the chances of that happening are pretty slim....hopefully.

Misfits who are lucky and the world lets them still, well, exist, while at the same time not? There existing while not existing? I don't know how to put this into words. If the misfit has a family, their children will have the gene that makes them not really exist, since the children aren't supposed to exist if the parent is not supposed to exist.

the reason we bring them to our world so they can have a purpose to, well exist. But they do have a choice, we always give a warning of the responsibilities of a dimension jumper and if the misfit is willing to join is there choice, they can decide to not join, but we always escort them out of the dimension and back, so they can officially exist.....maybe.....

we are not allowed to take people from a dimension if they exist there as it could alter the story in some way, sometimes it doesn't, but we don't know....

that's really all we know about misfits for now....signing out

C.J. Warren

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