Rules of Dimension jumpers

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1.  you must accept that you are a dimension jumper, ready to sacrifice your life or soul to protect all the universes. If you don't, then your not a real dimension jumper.

2. You have school, TAKE IT if you want to become stronger. If you don't, you'll probably be assigned to little or no missions or kicked out and memory wiped from being a dimension jumper.

3. accept that you are different, your surrounded by misfits for Pete's sake, you are one to.

4. we don't tolerate any rude behavior to other students, if you see someone being harassed by another, help them! Most of you have powers!

5. Always be nice ^w^ -Mr.Goodwin

6. -_-........When going to another dimension, make sure you have a team of minimum of 5 (3 if necessary) and maximum of 8 (10 if your infiltrating the Villains dimension). This is because just in case you get hit or if you get ambushed. IF someone gets hit, give them some pain killer and get them to the infected facility as soon as possible. Understand that you may never see that team member again.

7. When going into another dimension, you have to know that dimensions environment, that's why we study people. If you don't, you can't be going into that dimension. If an alarm goes off and the villains attacked a dimension that you didn't know the landscape or what in it, you can't get to where you need to be in the little amount of time that is given. So you can't save that dimension. 

8. for you creator dimension jumpers (i'm talking to YOU deadly!) stop trying to bend the will and timeline of an dimension that YOU didn't create. You should know by now that it wont work and your messing up the universe!

-I can do the hell I want! Your not my Mom! She's dead!-deadly

9. ugh.....If you see and know that anyone's gonna betray, STOP THEM! It's not good letting someone run around with Vile information that's not supposed to be in the wrong hands. That's why we either memory wipe them, or throw them in jail. If they get hit with darkium, then we have a facility just for them.

10. Beware of randomly appearing wormholes! there everywhere.... -anisha

11. WILL YOU STOP THAT!!! geez, your ruining the rules. Some dimensions require you to not be spot, especially by "main characters," If you do, make sure you memory wipe them. It will be traumatic to the story of the timeline if you get spot. You can only get spot if many people has seen the attacker and was attacked by whom you need to fight.

12. your job is to protect people! not hurt and scar there lives. Try to give little damage when fighting the attackers to anyone and anything in the area.


14. GOD DAMN IT!!! train to your full potential, the dangers of the villains, they could end you if you are being train people, TRAIN! 

15. don't trust anyone, anyone can betray you. If you know them well enough, you can trust them, but NEVER let your guard down!

rules of dimension jumpers, sighing out, C. J. Warren

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