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Let your faults stop you from criticizing others

Be moderate in your tread

Command what is right and forbid what is wrong

Allah does not love anyone who is vain or boastful.Kibr or greatness is particular to Allah only

Don't send an ignorant man as an envoy...If you cannot find a wise and intelligent person then go yourself

The light of one who lies will  disappear. The worries and anxiety of a person with bad character will increase

Your dignity is you so make no one snatch it

In era of Rasullah  (SAW) he loves the disbelievers but hates their ways but in our era we hate the disbelievers but love their ways

Good name is better than riches

If you are angry and you are standing,sit if you are sitting, lie down. Also if possible perform ablution because anger is from Shaitan and he is made from fire and water extinguish fire

Righteousness is good character and sin is that which revolves in your heart about which you don't want people to know

The powerful is not he who knocks down others undoubtedly the powerful is the one who control himself in a fit of anger

Know how you treat and behave around people because this world is smaller than you think

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