forty one

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"Four-twenty blaze it."

"It's the middle of June Bambam."

"I know where you keep the weed."

"I don't own any weed."

"That's what all weed owners say."

"Shut up Bams," Mark sighs, flicking the younger's forehead since he was being absolutely ridiculous. "You're so weird."

"He's drunk," Jackson explains, holding a can of beer in his own hand.

"Really? I couldn't tell," Mark says sarcastically, rolling his eyes as Jackson tries to get Bambam to sit down.

"Jaebummie hyung!" A shrill voice shrieks, startling Mark right out of his skin.

He turns around to find the source of the voice and finds Yugyeom clinging onto Jaebum like a monkey.

"Kiss~" He sings, trying to press his lips to a resistant Jaebum. "Hyung~"

Mark chuckles, Yugyeom is cute, before he goes back to curling into a small ball on the couch and trying to fall back asleep.

Sure, his boyfriends were all drinking around him right now, but Mark was tired and couldn't really care for that at the moment.

But of course, as per usual, Jinyoung has to come ruin that.

"Get up," he grumbles, and to Mark he looks sober if anything.

For good measure, the eldest raise up an eyebrow.

"I've had one sip of beer from Youngjae. I'm fine," he insists, ripping the blanket off of Mark's body.

This causes the smaller to whine.

"What the heck Jinyoung!" He says loudly, making grabby hands for the blanket again.

But Jinyoung was rude. And annoying. And stupid. And stubborn. And a lot of other synonyms.

"Go to bed if you're going to sleep." Jinyoung advises sternly, in that overly annoying protective tone he uses once in a while.

At one point Mark thought it was endearing, how Jinyoung had a tone for just being protective and loving, but now it was just so damn annoying and Mark assumes it's because of how often he hears that tone.

"I don't want to sleep alone," the eldest admits, the simply statement explaining why he was curled into the couch.

Jinyoung purses his lips while looking at the five other boys.

"One of them will pass out soon. I'll dump them with you?" Jinyoung suggests, and Mark grumbles but nods his head. He wasn't going to start anything with Jinyoung over this, he'd rather just listen to what the younger says and stay out of the danger zone.

"Go for it," Mark says, waving a hand and making his way into his shared room with Jackson.

It was ridiculous, how all the bedroom still had single beds, either bunk beds or two single ones on opposite sides of the room.

It was kind of odd, how no one suggested changing the beds to something more... Suitable for their circumstances, but Mark thinks that this setup is also convenient for when someone wants space, or alone time.

In the end, he guesses it works. Sure, it makes sleeping together difficult, even in Mark has the biggest bed amongst all of them, but the point was made.

He gets a scare when he opens the door to his room and spots Yugyeom, just laying on his bed while staring at the ceiling, half empty bottle of alcohol in his left hand.

"Gyeom?" Mark mutters, closing the door behind him as he strips out of his purple sweater. He doesn't normally like sleeping in thick clothing. "Where you doing here? Done drinking?" Mark asks, climbing into the covers next to Yugyeom.

The maknae sighs, the scent of alcohol wafting to Mark from all the way from Yugyeom's mouth.

"Maybe," he answers, swishing the liquid around in his bottle before taking a large gulp, only to whine about how bitter it was a few seconds later.

The guys probably mixed something with it, Mark thinks when Yugyeom complains about how much his throat burns. Idiots.

"Are you here to sleep?" Mark asks, changing the subject as Yugyeom puts the now almost empty bottle in his bedside table.

The maknae sighs again, and Mark is left to wonder if it's his drunk antics or not. 

"Listen," Yugyeom starts, drunkly throwing an arm around Mark's waist, turning over on his side.

Yugyeom's face is now suddenly very close to his own, and the smell of alcohol is actually overbearing from their proximity.

"I'm listening," Mark mumbles when Yugyeom doesn't say anything for a long time, and he's going cross eyed when his eyes follow the finger Yugyeom places on his nose. "You're a cute drunk." He blurts out, not missing the way Yugyeom blushes at that.

Yugyeom blushes at anything, he thinks. He's a freak for praise.

"Thank you," Yugyeom mumbles, before clearing his throat over dramatically and going back to staring at Mark's eyes with his own hooded ones. "Now back to what I was saying."

Mark nods.

"Back to what you were saying."

Yugyeom hums, and Mark wonders how long the maknae is going to drag this along until he finally gets his point across.

"I didn't think any hyungs noticed," Yugyeom giggles. "But you didn't eat today."

Mark's eyes widen, and if Yugyeom notices, he doesn't say anything. Or maybe he's too drunk to, but either way, Mark is shocked.

The others really hadn't noticed, so how did Yugyeom piece the information together?

"What?" Mark asks, thanking himself for not stuttering.

"I'm not stupid hyung," Yugyeom mumbles. "The others might be—" Mark would've scolded the younger for saying that about his hyungs if the situation was correct. "But I'm not. You didn't eat."

If he was standing up, Mark's jaw would be on the floor, because how observant can Yugyeom be?

"Why not hyung~" Yugyeom whined when Mark doesn't respond, nosing at the other's cheek to get his attention. "You're so thin hyungie, you need to eat," Yugyeom insists, curling himself into Mark's really small body.

Mark doesn't say anything, doesn't even know what to say.

This is drunk Yugyeom who's telling him about this right now.

Mark wonders if Yugyeom had be sober, had he have still confronted Mark the way he did.

Just when the elder was going to open his mouth to say something, Yugyeom speaks, and the words he says leaves the other speechless with his blood running cold.

"If you don't eat... Then... I won't either!"

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