Party Crashers

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Mikaila Claude 

Even though I said 'Now lets go party',about five minutes later, I grabbed the box and came up to me and Luke's room. It wasn't that Luke's friends weren't fun, it's just that I have a lot of things on my mind now like Sierra's mom. 

She will be the savior. She will be the light.

Who will be the savior? Who will be the light? I thought, Maybe it's Sierra.

After a few minutes of just staring into empty space, Luke came in.

"Mikaila, sweetheart, what are you doing in here?" Luke asked, coming by to sit next to me on the bed. "Aren't you going to go downstairs?" 

I sighed. "I'm not really in a party mood right now." 

Luke frowned, "Why," his hand touched my forehead to see if it was warm. "Do you not feel well?"

Pulling his hand away I said, "No, it's not that, it's just that there's a lot going on my mind right now." I showed him the picture of Sierra and her parents then I showed him the letter. After a few minutes his smile was replaced by a frown. "Who wrote this?" 

"I don't know." 

"Maybe you should ask Sierra's parents about this." Luke said giving me back the picture.

"I'll try to contact them tomorrow." 

Luke pulled me to his chest and laid down on the bed. "Could the person who wrote this be saying that Sierra's the savior and the light?" I shrugged. "Savior and light for what?"

Luke went silent for a while, he's probably analyzing what those words could mean. If you thought about it, those words could be directing the savior and light to be Sierra because the main focus of the picture was the baby and I am sure that, that baby is Sierra. but what if the picture meant nothing? What if the author was just in a hurry and couldn't find any other paper material lying around? But, if that was the case, why would the author have that anyway unles—

My thoughts were inturrepted when there was a buzz coming from my pocket, which meant I had a text. I brought my phone out and saw that it was a message from Rebecca.

 Hey girl, we just arrived at the mansion and we're downstairs waiting for you and Luke. -Rebecca

I looked to Luke and said, "They have arrived." 

Sierra Lockeheart

While I was getting ready for the party, Will called. "Hello?" 

"Sierra, it's me, Will." 

I smiled brightly. "Will! How was your flight?" 

Will let out a long, tired breath. "The flight was fine, long but fine." 

"And what did your father say that was so important?" 

"I can't talk about this on the phone. I'll tell you when we come back."

"Okay, when will you be back?" 

"I'm at the airport right now, my flight leaves in an hour."

I nodded. "Will you make it to the party?" 

"I don't think so, I'm really tired." 

"Oh, then I guess I'll see you at school then?" 


"Have a safe flight Will." 

"Thanks." Just as I was about to end the call Will said, "And be careful at the party, okay? I don't want you getting hurt." 

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